Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let Love Motivate Your Work!

The Apostle Paul says, "Do all you work in love."

He doesn't say SOME of your work, but ALL of your work. He also says no matter "what I do, I'm bankrupt without love." (1 Corinthians 13:3 MSG)

The point is, ANY job can be turned into worship when it is built on the model of Christ's love; that love is expressed to co-workers, clients and customers. Mother Teresa said, "It's not what you do so much that matters, but how much love you put into it." Think about it like this --Two-thirds of the word "career" is C-A-R-E.

So, I want you to pray a prayer every day this week. When you get up to go work, whether it's at home or at school, in your backyard or at an office or wherever you work -- I want you to pray, "Father, today I want to worship you through my work. I want to express my gifts. I want to do it as if I'm doing it for You and I want to do it in love."

"So then, my friends, because of God's great mercy to us I appeal to you: Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer." (Romans 12:1 TEV)

study verses:

"Do everything in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14 NIV)

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your true and proper worship." (Romans 12:1 NIV)

"If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing." (1Corinthians 13:3 NIV)

Yikes!!!!! What a great message from Rick Warren! That is what life is really about. Love. Love God, love yourself, love people. It is all a mindset. I can wake up and have a horrible attitude and have that dictate my whole day and affect everyone around me in negative way. Or we can choose to change our mindset, focus on the positive and be thankful/ grateful and simply show that LOVE. The Bible says, "do EVERYTHING in LOVE." You need to keep things in perspective, we have to understand that LOVE goes a long way. Help each other and help those that are in need.

I hope you are motivated by Love in ALL you do. Who have you opened the door for lately?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


People today run after two things: miraculous signs and wonders, and knowledge. It was no different in the Bible times. The apostle Paul acknowledged that "Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom." (1Corinthians 1:22)

So when Paul preached Christ crucified as God's solution to them, the message was "to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness" (1 Corinthians 1:23). They didn't understand  how getting a revelation of Jesus and His death could give them the miracles they needed or the wisdom they wanted.

Beloved, we don't have to run after miracles or wisdom today. We just need to run after Jesus because He is "the power of God and the wisdom of God." The more we know Christ and Christ crucified, the more we will have the power and wisdom of God.

Several church members have shared how they have seen the power of God blast financial debts out of their lives. Not knowing what to do about their debts, they looked to the Lord to deliver them. And the Lord was able to do so mightily because He is indeed the power of God.

So if you are facing financial debt, Christ has the power to remove the debt. And because He is also the wisdom of God, He will show you where you went wrong and teach you how to stay out of debt.

Let me give you another illustration. Let's say a man, whose wife has left him, looks to Jesus to bring his wife back. Christ , the power of God, brings about a miraculous restoration of their marriage. But it is Christ, the wisdom of God, who will teach the husband how to keep his wife by showing him what he had done wrong and what to do to strenthen the marriage. If the husband does not have this wisdom, it will only be a matter of time before the same problems surface and his wife leaves him again.

My friend, Christ is both the power and wisdom of God to us. As the power of God, He removes obstacles in our paths. As the wisdom of God, He continually directs our paths!

Thought for the day:

As the power of God, Christ removes obstacles in our paths. As the wisdom of God, He continually directs our paths!

"but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1Corinthians 1:24 NIV)

WOW!!!!!! What a great message from Joseph Prince! I know its hard for me to lean on God when times are hard, especially when we are going through tough times and our current situation just isn't what WE expect them to be. But it says in the Bible that we should not lean on our own understanding but TRUST in GOD! You have to understand that GOD is our STRENGTH and HE is our WISDOM, we have to know that at the end of the day, GOD will provide.

I look back at a lot and I can honestly say that at that moment in the past, I was really stressing and didn't know what to do, but looking back NOW, God was really there and provided what I NEEDED! Remember its not about what WE WANT! It's about our NEEDS, LOL I know I get that confused, but it's just the human side of us that makes us WANT WANT WANT WANT WANT for OURSELVES. I haven't seen anything that says that we are always going to get what we want, but I have seen God provide for my needs.

I hope you are encouraged! Remember, NO MATTER what you are going through, SEEK God and He will guide you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Connect through Commitment

The Bible says, "A friend loves at all times." That means even when it's inconvenient, when you don't feel like it, even when the other person doesn't deserve it, even at personal cost. That's what real friendship is all about.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:24 (NIV), "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." This means mere socializing can keep you from having deep relationships. You can be so busy making acquaintances that you never spend the time, energy and effort it takes to cultivate the deep, satisfying intimacy of a good friendship.

You don't need a lot of friends to make it in this world but you do need a few good ones. One good friendship is better than ten thousand acquaintances. The acquaintances aren't going to be there in the crisis. Friends will. And every important close connection begins with a commitment.

You need people in your life who will be courageous, considerate, constructive, candid, confidential, and committed. But there is only one way you're going to get people like this in your life: YOU HAVE TO BE THAT KIND OF FRIEND FIRST.

"Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble." Proverbs 17:17 MSG

"Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family." Proverbs 18:24 MSG

WOW! Thats another great message by Rick Warren.  I think its so important that we look at the issue head on and be honest with ourselves. I was told by Dad when I was young, that when you have a lot of money its easy to have a lot of friends but when a crisis happens, you will see who your "real" friends are. I can actually say that this statement held true for me and honestly for a few more people I know and have seen. We have to remember to really keep things in perspective and be real with ourselves. It says in the Bible, that "the man of many friends ( a friend of all the world) will prove himself a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24 AMP. You have to understand that if you want to have a courageous, considerate, constructive, candid, confidential, and committed friend; that will tell you about yourself when you are doing wrong or just simply when you look like a fool, then we first have to be that COURAGEOUS, CONSIDERATE, CONSTRUCTIVE, CANDID, CONFIDENTIAL, and COMMITTED Friend. 

I hope you are encouraged to be that "real" friend that is committed. I feel this world, this generation myself included is just SCARED of commitment because of hurt or whatever. But I say, here's a word from the wise...STOP! "Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT. So I say, let's just LOVE our friends, family, neighbors, cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc! Show love regardless, thats what I say! 

Now go and tell someone that you are close to that you love them! I don't know, call someone and surprise them! MOM? DAD? FRIEND?  LOL!! 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Connect by Being Candid

 Being candid and being connected go together. You don't have one without the other. Genuine, healthy, deep, meaningful relationships are built on honesty, not flattery. Flattery is a sign of a manipulator, not a sign of somebody who is genuinely your friend.

All of us have blind spots. The question that really matters is, do you have anybody in your life who loves you enough to point them out? You cannot grow unless somebody points out the things that you can't see in your life, but that need changing. Let me give you three rules for being candid in relationships:

1. Compliment in public, correct in private. Do this with your children, your spouse, your employees, and your friends.

2. Correct when they're up and not down. When I'm feeling good, I can handle almost any correction. When I'm feeling tired, I can't handle anything. Timing is everything when you're being candid.

3. Never offer correction until you've proven that you are also willing to be corrected. Remember, seek to understand before seeking to be understood. You open up your life before you can expect someone else to be open with you.

" An honest answer is like a warm hug" (Proverbs 24:26 MSG)

Another great way to connect in relationships with people by Rick Warren. This is true, when you have a real genuine relationship. I hope you take this as an encouragement to be CANDID with people if you are wanting a genuine friend. I hear alot of people complain about genuine relationships don't exist and how people are "fake." Well if you want people to be genuine YOU FIRST have to be REAL and GENUINE. I just want to encourage you to be GENUINE if you want GENUINE.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Connect by using Constructive Words

Did you know that the words that come out of our mouths are like a tool? Sometimes they're like a sledgehammer. We swing away without thinking and end up with a pile of relational rubble. Sometimes they're like a saw, cutting people down. If we keep using these tools, inevitably our relationships are going to suffer.

One reason we aren't constructive with our words is we don't realize how powerful they are; yet, I bet you can still remember things people said to you in a thoughtless way as far back as grade school or college. That's how powerful words are. They leave a lasting impact. So when it comes to your mouth, think of it as a power tool and be very careful with it.

Here's how to build instead of destroying with your words--

Stop excusing-- Stop saying, "I didn't really mean to say that." Realize that what you say impacts everyone around you.

Talk less-- If it's a power tool, you don't have to use it as much. One of the reasons we get in trouble is we just talk too much sometimes.

Listen more-- If I listen more, I can understand people's needs.

Start Building-- Think first of all, "What do they need?" How can I use a word of encouragement to build them up? How can I use a word of challenge to make a difference in someone's life? How can I use my words to build up the people I love the most?

Key verse:

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."(Ephesians 4:29 NIV)

What a great teaching taken from Rick Warren! I was reminded instantly of 2 good friends of mine Jonny and Jason they were always talking about 4:29 whenever someone in our youth group or when we were just simply hanging out. 4:29 was referring to Ephesians 4:29! So it was funny and encouraging at the same time to see that. It was a good tool to get our students to encourage one another instead of tear each other down. Alot of times we don't realize the power of our words and say whatever comes to mind, but we are told in the Bible that kind words heal and help while cutting words wound and hurt ( Proverbs 15:7 MSG) You have to filter what you say because we never know who we are going to affect with our words!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Remember your wins!

You are probably familiar with the story of how David, with a sling and a stone, slew Goliath, a 10 feet tall Philistine warrior. But have you ever wondered why David succeeded while the others in the army of Israel did not even dare to face Goliath?

David's secret was that he was only conscious of victory and not defeat, because he knew a God who had rescued him time and again.

You can just imagine him saying, "One day, i was taking care of my sheep when a lion came and took one of them. I was not willing to settle for that! I went after the lion caught it by its beard and smote it. The Lord delivered me from the lion's mouth. On another occasion, a bear came and took one of my flock. I went after the bear and smote it. So the Lord delivered me from the bear too. This same God, who delivered me from the paws of the lion and bear, will also deliver me from this Philistine." (1 Samuel 17:34-37)

David was conscious of what God had done for him. He knew that God was for him, loved him, favored him and would give him victory again. My friend, you can also remind yourself that the same God, who did tremendous things for you in the past, will do the same for you again.

Be like David, who was conscious only of God's goodness and faithfulness. Don't be like the army of Israel. The men were conscious of the negative words of Goliath. I believe that they must have talked about his threats, repeating his words to one another, and as a result, filled their hearts with fear. (1 Samuel 17:11, 24)

Beloved, don't feed on the negative words of man or the devil. It will only cause you to be anxious and fearful. Feed on God's Word by reading the Bible and listening to messages about who you are in Christ and what He has done for you. Pump yourself up with God's Word until you are full of the Spirit and consciousness of God, so that you might know the things that have been freely given to you by God!

Thought for the day:

The same God, who did tremendous things for you in the past, will do the same for you again.

"What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us." (1 Corinthians 2:12 NIV)

Yet another great excerpt from Joseph Prince!

I don't know what kinds of things that you might be battling with or going through but I do know that once you have accepted Jesus Christ into your hearts, you have a Spirit of power! (2 Timothy 1:7 NIV) So that when you are going through something that is bogging you down, be like David and remember when you had the power to overcome the obstacles, remember the victories, remember the good! Remember that there will be storms in life, but the storms are never forever but they are temporary! I hope that when you read this you are encouraged!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Quit trying to please everybody

When we worry about what other people think, we let them control us. We waste a lot of time and energy trying to figure out what other people want us to be. Then, we waste a lot of time and energy trying to become like that rather than just being what God made us to be. You're manipulated and controlled by somebody else.

Worrying about what other people think is dangerous because we're more likely to cave in to criticism. It means we don't always do the right thing; instead, we do the thing that everybody wants us to do.

And we're in danger of missing God's best because we're so worried about what other people want us to do that we can't stop to think about what God wants us to do.

Fact 1- You cannot please everybody.
Fact 2- It's not necessary to please everybody.
Fact 3- Rejection will not ruin your life.

Quit trying to please everybody! Remember that nobody can make you feel inferior unless you give them permission.

The Apostle Paul says, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31 TEV) This means we can think like this: "God likes me, and I like me; if you don't like me, then you've got a problem. If God likes me, who cares that everybody doesn't approve of everything I do."

Remember, nothing you ever do will make God love you less. Nothing you ever do will make God love you more. He loves you completely right now.

Words of encouragement:
"Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe." (Proverbs 29:25 NIV)
"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31 NIV)

Another good message from Rick Warren! I just want to encourage you, don't let others dictate your next move. Seek God's wisdom, understanding, knowledge, discernment, love and ask for Him to reveal the next move. We tend to try to make things happen on our own and fix things on our own, when the Bible teaches "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matthew 6:33 NIV) You have to understand you can't do it on your own and you can't please everybody, but we can lean on God for help and understanding!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Be Thankful!!!

Jesus lived a life of thanksgiving. He always thanked His Father for what He had and for always hearing Him when He prayed. That was how He released miracles in His life.

In the story of the feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:1-13), Jesus' attitude was one of thankfulness. He took a little boy's lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fish, gave thanks and had them distributed. He gave thanks for the little that was there and the little multiplied. Not only did the people eat as much as they wanted, there were 12 baskets full of leftovers!

So when you see the meager balance in your bank account, thank the Lord for what you have. That's your "5 loaves and 2 fish." When you give Him thanks that He is your provider and the source of your supply, in spite of the little you have, your little will become much, with leftovers!

Even when faced with the impossible, the solution was still, "Father, I thank you..." When Jesus stood outside Lazarus' tomb, and the people took away the stone that was covering the tomb, He did not see the situation as hopeless and impossible. He simply lifted up His eyes and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me." Then, He proceeded to call forth Lazarus, and the man came forth alive once more!

The raising of Lazarus, who had been dead for more than 4 days, was one of Jesus' greatest miracles. And He accomplished this by saying, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me." He thanked His way to an awesome miracle.

My friend, the next time you find yourself praying, "God, please do this for me! Please give me..." STOP! Instead, say, "Thank You God, for hearing me. And because You have heard me, I thank You that I have what I ask for." And when you thank God, the little that you have will multiply. Your impossible situations will turn around to reflect God's provision. And resurrection life will hit you!

Thought for the day:

When you give Him thanks for the little you have, your little will become much, with leftovers!

"So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, 'Father, I thank you that you have heard me.'"
John11:41 NIV
---message above from Joseph Prince

I know sometimes I get ahead of myself thinking that i am better than my situation or simply comparing myself to peers that are doing better than me thinking that I should have more and make more because of what I've accomplished or done.  I know we get that way just because it is in our human nature. But what God says about that is, simply be thankful for the things I have now. You have to remember to keep things simple when it comes to living life. We all have to keep things in perspective and that all things and situations are temporary.

I just want to encourage whoever is reading this, to think, to live and to be thankful for what you have, friends, family, things, work, car, legs, feet, eyes, or simply just another day to live! Be THANKFUL!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Develop this important habit...

The elation of success and the roar of the crowd can be intoxicating to a leader, especially one who has bought into the idea that self-worth is equal to performance and the opinion of others. Taking time alone with God as your audience of One is an important habit that will keep your ego from compromising your leadership.

"Among the gods there is none like you, O Lord; no deeds can compare with yours. All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God."

Psalm 86:8-10

Prayer: Lord, there is none like you. When I am delighted by my words and work, I need to remember that You alone are God and I am the work of Your hands. Thank You for the reminder. In Jesus name, amen.

This is just a reminder that in the busy ness of life we still need to stay focused on the real deal, that is keeping God the first priority. I know for me PRIDE, EGO and SELFISHNESS is something always reoccurring. When things go well we have the tendency to think we did it on our own and then it happens again that we succeed and then we forget that God was the one that has given us that ability to do all the things we are able to do.

I just want to encourage whoever is reading this, although it is good to marinate in the OooO's and AHHH's when you succeed. Just don't forget that quality time with G-O-D.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sometimes you just need to get alone...

Solitude is a countercultural and challenging behavior. We need to find time to be truly alone with God, without an agenda. It is rare and often unsettling feeling to stop doing and just be.

"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 'come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.' So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place."

Mark 6:31-32

Prayer: There are so many distractions, Lord--my family, my work, church, activities, the television and radio, my own inner thoughts--it is so hard to get away by myself to be with You. I know that it is critical to who I am as a leader. I want to carve out some time. Help me find it and keep it! In, Jesus name, AMEN!

I hope that in the midst of all the craziness of life, that you find some time for yourself and quiet time with God. I encourage you to seek after Him who is bigger than any circumstance, problem, issue or simply anything that you feel is hindering you from progressing forward.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Don't Give Up!!!!

When God gives you a dream, you can be sure you'll run into delays, difficulties, detours and dead ends along the way. They are a natural part of life. But you can be ready for them.

Now if anybody had a right to be discouraged, it was Noah. Do you know how long it took Noah to build the ark? 120 years. Could you go 120 years on a project without one word of encouragement from anybody else in society?

Noah trusted God. And when he heard God's warning about the future, Noah believed him even though there was no sign of a flood. I bet there were many days that Noah didn't feel like going to work, but for 43,800 days, he went to the same place and he worked. He never gave up.

Don't give up on your dream either. Don't give up on the marriage. Don't give up on your health. Don't, don't, don't give up. God is in control. You haven't read the final chapter of your life. God's already written it, but you haven't read it yet.

The Bible says, "God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him." God is looking for people that he can bless. I want you to be one of those people.

Don't give up!

2 Chronicles 16:9 (MSG)
"God is always on the alert, constantly on the lookout for people who are totally committed to him. You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God's help. Now you're in trouble-one round of war after another."

Woke up to another great message by Rick Warren. I hope whoever reads this is encouraged to not give up no matter what the circumstance. Everything is temporary, and whatever you may be going through remember it is only a season. Don't forget about your dreams and continue to dream about things that are bigger than yourself. God is in control not you or me. This is a hard concept for me to grasp but I know at the end of the day God will ALWAYS provide.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Make a difference by being different

One of the most important tests we all face as we try to achieve what God has called us to do is cultural distraction. For instance--

The distraction of popularity-- If you are always worried about what other people think, you will be distracted from you destiny.

The distraction of pleasure-- It's ok to have fun and feel comfort, but if that's the primary focus of your life, you will never fulfill your destiny.

The distraction of profits-- You can't serve both God and money. Making a profit can't be the primary focus of your life.

The distraction of possessions-- Judging your success by how much stuff you own will keep you concerned about keeping things and maintaining things.

The antidote to cultural distractions is this: you must dare to be different from others. If you are going to reach the dream God has given you, you much also dare to be different from others.

Noah was different. God liked what he saw in Noah. Everything was headed toward destruction, but Two words changed history-- "but Noah." That's the power of one person. That's the power of just one individual who chooses to be different.

Genesis 6:5-6 and 8

Good insight taken from a devotional by Rick Warren that I thought I would share, I hope this was encouraging and helped some people see what God is trying to say to you in your life right now.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

His Word has Power

Some time ago, I visited a friend of a church member who had cancer and wanted healing. He was all ears, lapping and soaking up everything I shared with him. Today, he worships with us in our church and is completely healed of cancer.

I remember being at another man's home at the invitation of his family members. He too was suffering from cancer. When I entered his home, the man had his television on. I started sharing Christ with him but he was not at all interested in what I was saying. He continued watching the television program. I knew then that his healing comes from hearing God's word, not by watching television, reading newspapers or listening to your favorite music.

Don't get me wrong. I am not against these things, but they are not going to heal you. When you are sick, what you want is God's healing flowing in your body. How does that happen?

One of the primary ways in which it happens is when you read your Bible, soaking up everything on Jesus. Before you know it, His divine health flows into your body, driving out every symptom of pain, sickness and disease. Even your discouragement dissolves effortlessly. You find yourself discouraged, refreshed and your darkness giving way to light. You see, there is no way you can feed on Jesus through reading and hearing His word, and still remain the same. He said, "The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." (John 6:63)

My friend, God wants Jesus to be food for you. We feed on Christ by seeing Him unveiled in the Word, by seeing and meditating on what the Holy Spirit reveals of His beauty and glory, and His finished work at Calvary. That is how we enjoy Jesus. It is like having a good meal. And when you do that, Jesus Himself promises that "he who feeds on Me will live because of Me!"

Thought for the day:
There is no way you can feed on Jesus through reading and hearing His Word, and still remain the same.

-Taken from Joseph Prince's devotional