Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stop planning...

"many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevails." Proverbs 19:21(NIV)

This is something I have always dealt with. I always have some kind of plan to do something bigger than me or to travel and speak different languages or to become some kind of philanthropist. I know we tend to think about the future and plan out things we want to do or become rich and famous or whatever it is we think we seem to know.

But the reality does not matter what we think or what I think, if God is not in it. The Bible teaches us, that "many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that will prevails." Proverbs 19:21(NIV)

You should take some time to think and pray. A lot of times we go through our day and don't even have time to think to ourselves. Life becomes routine. 

I would like to encourage you, to take some time to think and pray about what it is God is speaking to you about. Because the reality is we can plan plan plan and nothing will ever come of the plan if God  isn't in it.

God has a purpose for us and it is not to waste it on thinking about ourselves and our own plans. Let's serve those around us and become the change we want to see.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Simply LOVE!

Taken from Tony Dungy

Friends--What Are You Willing to Do?

I always considered the members of my teams as family. But Tom Walter, the baseball coach at Wake Forest, has taken that "family" relationship to an entirely new level. He donated a kidney to one of his players.
Coach Walter didn't hesitate to volunteer to help Kevin Jordan, a freshman outfielder attending the school on a baseball scholarship. Kevin's athletic skills had not gone unnoticed: the New York Yankees had picked him in the nineteenth round of the amateur draft. But even that news didn't change the fact that Kevin was very ill. His first semester, Kevin was so sick from a rare kidney disorder that he was on a dialysis machine in his dorm room eight hours a day, attending classes and team practices when he wasn't. He wondered if he would ever be able to play bal again.

You may not be in a situation like Coach Walter and Kevin, but you may be called to do something else. It's not the "what" that is important; it's the "what will you do" that is important. As you strive to be like Christ, be ready to lovingly sacrifice something for others. It may be the most important thing He calls you to do

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:12, 13 NIV)

I just want to encourage you, to just simply show EVERYONE you come in contact with LOVE. Whether its a smile, opening a door, or saying thank you! It's so much more easier to smile than to frown. One of my favorite people of all time is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I am inspired every day I wake up another day to serve friends, family and strangers all alike regardless of who they are, where they come from, what they look like, etc. It's about people and relationships. We were not made to live by ourselves, but we were made to live life together. Friendships, relationships, cruising on ships and taking trips, buying gifts and giving tips, all of which are worth more than to simply exist. 

Live life appreciating the simple things is what we are supposed to do. We are Not to live life waiting to step on or climb over the next person for a promotion or a dollar.

Ok I'm off my soap box! I just want to inspire the people reading this to LOVE! 

Monday, September 10, 2012

See the GOOD in every situation and in EVERYONE...

It's been a long time since I last blogged and SOOOOOOOOOO much has happened since engaged, got married, new life, new treasures, new beginnings, new everything!! But here is something I came across by Rick Warren:

What do you remember about people? The good experiences or the bad experiences? Paul said, "I like to remember the good things about people, focus on the good times we've had, remember the positive experiences."

When Paul said this he had not had an easy time in Philippi. Acts 16 tells us that when he went to Philippi he was illegally arrested, whipped, humiliated, and thrown into prison -- before finally being asked to leave town. Yet he says, "I thank God every time I remember you."

Paul could have dwelt on the negative. He could have remembered the painful memories. He chose not to remember the painful; instead, he focused on the things he could be grateful for.

Maybe you have been hurt in the past by a parent or a partner and you're still holding on to that hurt. As a result you can't enjoy being around them today. You're still focusing on the bad and the negative. Be grateful for the good in people. Pleasant memories are a choice. I can choose what I'm going to remember about the past.

If you want to enjoy others, you've got to focus on their strengths and not their weaknesses. With some people it takes a lot of creativity. But you can find something good in everybody.

I'm not saying that you deny the hurts you've had or that you excuse the weaknesses in other people. That is psychologically unhealthy. But focus on the good and choose to emphasize the strengths.

DP's thoughts: I like to always say, don't worry about the things you cannot control but focus on the things you can control....your reaction, your words, your actions, etc... It's toooooo easy to focus on the negative... If you want to be rebellious then let's rebel against having negative attitudes. We have to be grateful for the simple things in life...air to breath, eyes to see, legs to walk, mouth to talk, etc...

I just want to encourage whoever gets to read this to see the good in everyone, to stay positive and to show love to everyone.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fruit Grows from Spiritual Seeds....

Taken from Rick Warren...

When you think about your walk with Jesus, some days you may be wondering, "why is this so hard? I'm still struggling with so many problems. When will I finally get it right?"

In my journey as a pastor, I've learned that spiritual growth is often like the growth we see in nature - the best fruit ripens slowly.

The problem is we tend to get impatient, so we dig up the seed to check the progress of its growth, and that slows down our growth! If you're not seeing as much fruit as you'd like, don't despair. Growth takes time.

In the meantime, try these steps for spiritual growth:

1- Nurture growth with God's Word -- I know you're already doing this, but when you read the promises of God, again and again, it helps you remember that He is at work, even when you can't see him at work: "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1 NIV)

2- Cooperate with God as he prunes -- Praise God for the work He's doing in your life, remembering "He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more." (John 15:2 NLT)

3- Pray through the fruit list -- Pray through the "fruit list" (the fruit of the Spirit) from Galatians 5:22-23. The NIV Bible lists the fruit as LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF-CONTROL. Ask God to help you grow this fruit in your life.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Man it has been awhile since i have been on here but I had to share this with you all! So much has happened in the last month, it's unbelievable! God is amazing!

I don't know how things are going in your life but for can be hard, and its even harder when you know where you are in life and where you need to be in life and or where you want to be in life... But we have to remember that life is a process and we have to understand that we have to have FAITH. The Bible says that Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. That is the kind of FAITH you have to have. WE have to remember that the best things of nature ripen slowly. So in order to be the best and have the best we have to be patient and do our best in life.

Whatever tunnel you may be going through, believe that there is light at the end...
Whatever valley you may be in, believe that there are always peaks...
Whatever situation or circumstance you may be in, believe and know that God will see you through it if you seek, ask, and trust in HIM.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. (1 Timothy 6:6-7 NIV)

God promises to meet all your financial needs, if you (1) ask Him for help and (2) learn to be content...

If you've ever seen a baby born, you know they do not come into the world with anything but a little umbilical cord and that quickly gets cut.

And then, at your funeral, you don't take anything with you. The Bible teaches that we should learn to be content.

What is contentment? Contentment means MY HAPPINESS IS NOT DEPENDENT ON CIRCUMSTANCES. Most people get caught into "WHEN" thinking: "WHEN I get a certain job...WHEN I can retire...WHEN I get the house paid off...WHEN I get the bills paid off...THEN I'll be happy!"

God says, "No, once you get there, you'll always want something else." If you don't learn contentment, you'll never be happy. You'll always want more.

"Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can't take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content." (1Timothy 6:6-8 NLT)

yes, Yes, and YESSSS!!!!! Again, Rick Warren hits it right on the head!!!! I know I am guilty of this all the time, I always think WHEN I get enough money...WHEN I get that right job...WHEN I get... We all think that there is this "PERFECT" moment where everything is just going to be absolutely right. But the Bible tells us: "When the clouds are full of water, it rains. When the wind blows down a tree, it lies where it falls. Don't sit there watching the wind. Do you own work. Don't stare at the clouds. Get on with your life." (Eccleciastes 11:3-4 MSG) You have to understand that there is no PERFECT moment, We need to stop saying "WHEN" and start living CONTENT!

I hope this will encourage you to not wait on that "perfect" moment. But to be content with what you have otherwise you will ALWAYS want more.

Monday, January 16, 2012

God Provides; Ask for Help!

There is an amazing, incredible and all-encompassing promise in Philippians 4:19 (NIV) regarding provision: "...God will meet ALL your NEEDS according to HIS glorious riches in Christ Jesus."

Note that the first two words : "God WILL." It doesn't say, "He might meet your needs," it says, "HE WILL MEET YOUR NEEDS." It's written as a fact; God is staking His character and His reputation on it.

Then the Bible says, "God will meet ALL..." It doesn't say, "I'll meet some of your needs." It says ALL.

He won't give us everything we want, but he will give us what we need. Then why do you have financial needs? Did God fail? Did He lie? Exaggerate?

NO! With every promise, there is a premise; there are conditions and requirements. When God makes a promise, he says, "I'll do my part and you do your part."

Ask for His help - Jesus says, "ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy."
(John 16:24 NLT)

Why does God want me to ask? So He can give. Why does He want to give? So I can receive. Why does He want me to receive? So I'll be full of joy. Why does He want me to be full of joy? Joyful Christians are a positive testimony about the love of God.

Wooooooooweeeee!!!!!!!Rick Warren really hit it on the head with this one! I know alot of times I want to figure things on my own, I want to fix things on my own, I want to get things right on MY OWN! We tend to want to fix our own problems and we tend to think we know EVERYTHING. But reality is we weren't designed that way. The Bible talks about how we should not lean on our own understanding but to TRUST in GOD and He will direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV) You have to understand that you cannot do it on your own. We cannot do everything on our own. WE NEED HELP! God created us to be relational beings. Which means we need RELATIONSHIPS...FAMILY, FRIENDS, COWORKERS, TEACHERS, etc!

Look here's the bottom line. I don't know what you might be going through and I don't discount your situation. But in EVERY situation, you have 2 choices...
1. be negative about it
2.  be positive about it

Seek God. Jesus loves you. ASK FOR HIS HELP!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

5 Steps for Handling FRUSTRATION!

Here are 5 simple steps for dealing with frustrations in your life:

1. Ask yourself, "did I cause it?" The Bible says, "A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7 NIV) We are frustrated by many things in life because we bring them on ourselves.

2. Ask yourself, "what can I learn from it?" Roman 8:28 says, "all things work together for good." (NIV) There are many bad things in the world, but all things work together. God can even take the negative and turn it into a positive if we will let Him. Use irritation as an opportunity to become more like Christ.

3. Thank God in the situation. 1Thessalonians 5:18 says, "in everything give thanks."(NIV) You don't have to be thankful FOR a bad situation. But you can be thankful IN a bad situation. Frustration may be a blessing in disguise.

4. Turn the frustration into a funny, a humorous event. The Bible says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine." (Proverbs 17:22 NIV). A sense of humor is God's antidote for anger and frustration.

5. Ask God to fill you with HIS LOVE. Why? Because 1Corinthians 13:5 says, "love is not easily angered."(NIV) Love is SELF-GIVING, NOT SELF-SERVING. We get irritated, because we think everyone and everything has to revolve around us. Love concentrates on the other person.

Jesus faced constant frustrations, but He never got irritated. He always made time for people. We get so preoccupied with our own things that we forget that people are the priority in life.

I must say that is a great way to handle frustrations. I got this from Rick Warren's devotional. HUGE CONCEPTS i think that everyone can take and apply in their lives. We get so frustrated with the little things and forget to see the bigger picture. The Bible says, that LOVE IS NOT EASILY ANGERED...(1Corinthians 13:5 NIV) You have to understand that ultimately its all about LOVE. Loving each other as brothers and sisters and showing that respect to everyone. Love has no limits. We have to stop getting so frustrated with the little things that make US upset. NOT EVERYTHING IS ALWAYS ABOUT US! Instead of putting the focus on ourselves, let's try to focus on the other person.

Food for thought, instead of being SELFISH, try being SELF- LESS!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Time - use it wisely

A lot of people are on overload and headed for a crash. We sleep less and work more than ever before. We're a piled-on, stretch-to-the-limit society- chronically exhausted. Many of us feel like Job did when he said, "I have no peace! I have no quiet! I have no rest! And trouble keeps coming." (Job 3:26 GWT)

Overload comes when we have too much activity in our lives, too much change, too many choices, too much work, too much debt, and too much media exposure.

Author and medical doctor Richard Swenson says, "The conditions of modern day living devour margin. If you're homeless, we direct you to a shelter. If you're penniless, we offer you food stamps. If you're breathless, we connect you to oxygen."

"But if you're marginless, we give you one more thing to do. Marginless is being thirty minutes late to the doctor's office because you were twenty minutes late getting out of the hairdresser because you were ten minutes late dropping the children off at school because the car ran out of gas two blocks from a gas station, and you forgot your purse. That's marginless."

You need margin in your life. When you're not hurrying and worrying all the time, you have time to think. Time to relax. Time to enjoy life. Time to be still and know that God is God.

What a great message from Rick Warren! I know I am guilty of ALWAYS having to do SOMETHING! If it's not one thing, it's another. Always having to have our schedules JAMMED PACKED. We seem to be a society that has to always be on the go Go GO!

The Bible says, "you can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail" (Proverbs 19:21 NLT)

You have to understand that you aren't in control of everything! As much as you want to be busy all the time, take a break, rest your mind, rest your heart, rest your body. We have to STOP hurrying to the next event, and worrying about the next check. We seem to plan everything else into our schedules, how about planning time to rest, time to think, time to relax, time to be still. ULTIMATELY, time for you and God.

Hope you are encouraged to take time out to think and be still. Remember you can plan ALL DAY and ALL YEAR but it's GOD's purpose that will PREVAIL!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Managing Your TIME!

Jesus experienced enormous stress and pressure, yet it didn't seem to disturb his peace of mind. In spite of opposition, constant demands, and little privacy, his life reflected a calm sense of balance.

What can we learn from HIM?

KNOW who you want to please (John 5:30) -- Jesus never let the fear of rejection manipulate him. No one can pressure you without your permission. You can't please everyone. Even God can't!

SET clear goals (John 8:14) -- Jesus said, "I know where I came from and where I am going."  Preparation prevents pressure but procrastination produces it. You work by either priorities or pressures.

FOCUS on one thing at a time (Luke 4:42-44) -- Jesus knew how long to handle interruptions without being distracted from his primary goal.

DON'T try to do EVERYTHING yourself (Mark 3:14) -- Jesus enlisted twelve disciples. We get tense when we feel it all depends on us.

MAKE a better habit of PRAYER (Mark 1:35) -- No matter how busy Jesus got, HE FOUND time to GET ALONE and PRAY. A daily quiet time is a great stress decompression chamber.

TAKE time to ENJOY LIFE (Mark 6:30-31) -- Balance is the key to stress management. Work must be balanced with FUN and WORSHIP.

YES!!!!! What a great message from Rick Warren, this morning! I definitely need to work on these this year! I need to make sure I prioritize my time.  We have to understand the importance of time, no matter who you are or what you do or how much money you have, TIME does not stop for anyone and we all get the same amount. We have to prioritize it or it will prioritize you. The Bible says, 

"Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is." (Ephesians 5:15-17 AMP)

You have to understand the importance of time. We have to make sure we make time management a top priority.

I hope you are encouraged as much as I am to want to make changes in how I view time. Remember you only have one life to live and tomorrow is not promised. Make the best of your time when you have it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Stop worrying about tomorrow! Live your best TODAY!

"I am concerned about the big business deal that I have tomorrow." I am worried about tomorrow's job interview." "My medical test results will be out tomorrow. I am afraid it won't be good."

God does not want us to worry about tomorrow. He wants you to know that He gives you all the help you need for today, and when tomorrow comes, so will fresh help from HIM.

This is God's principle even in the Old Testament. When the children of Israel were in the desert, God gave them fresh manna from heaven every morning. (Exodus 16:13-16, 31) They did not have to worry about tomorrow because when tomorrow came, there was fresh manna again. He was their provision every day.

Today, God's manna is the grace He gives you every day. If you are worried about a situation tomorrow, know that there will be sufficient grace for that situation when it comes. God wants you to simply rest in HIS ability to heal, deliver, protect, and provide for you everyday.

In the Old Testament, when the armies of Moab and Ammon came against King Jehoshaphat, God told the anxious king, "Do not be afraid nor dismayed...for the battle is not yours, but God's...You will not need to fight in this battle...stand still and see the salvation of the Lord..." (2 Chronicles 20:15-17)

When the next morning came, King Jehoshaphat saw how God caused such confusion to come upon his enemies' camp that it brought about their own slaughter. Amid all that fighting in the enemy camp, God's people merely stood still and saw HIM fight the battle for them just as HE had promised.

My friend, when you see a problem looming in your tomorrow, don't be afraid or dismayed. Look to the Lord, and see HIS grace and salvation deliver you.

God wants you to live a stress-free life, not one filled with worries about tomorrow's problems. When tomorrow comes, HIS grace will be there for you as your help, protection, favor, and enabling.

Thought for the day:

God gives you all the help you need for today. When tomorrow comes, so will fresh help from HIM!
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34 NIV)

What a great way to start the new year with a great message from Joseph Prince! WOW! 2011 is gone! 2012 is here!!!! I am so excited to have woken up another day, another year! We have to keep things in perspective and understand that we are here today, take advantage of it! NOT EVERYONE WOKE UP TODAY! The Bible says that we should "not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself." (Matthew 6:34 NIV) Live your very best to impact and help family, friends, neighbors and complete strangers in a positive way! Go out of your way to help someone, or to be nice, or to simply open a door! We have to take life one step at a time, one day at a time, WE NEED TO STOP WORRYING!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are encouraged! I can't believe its 2012! I could write a story about how crazy 2011 was, but it's already written. DO NOT LET YOUR PAST DICTATE YOUR FUTURE! Control what you can control and don't worry about what you can't control. It's 2012! Let's make the best of it!

Thank you JESUS for another day!!!!!!!!