We just had our last small group last night! All it was an absolute blast LOL!!!! I am still laughing about what happened.
I lead the Champaign high school students along with another leader, Sirimal, a good friend of mine. So, for our final dinner together we had fried chicken !!! Boy was it delicious! One of my student's mom helps us out with the food and she is awesome!!! So we are enjoying one another's company, talking, hanging out, etc. Then we are interrupted by one of the youth leaders, Christine. She comes in and says, "is everything ok? because your cars are covered in toilet paper..." From that point it was a crazy night! lol!!!
Summary, my car and Sirimal's car gets TP'd (they put toilet paper all over our cars). All i have to say is silly string, saran wrap, water and the toilet paper they used on our cars. LIGHTS OUT! LOL! So much happened in between time, Im still laughing about it all, but that wasnt it. They came back and got MY car with pizza! lol!!! hahahahahaha mannnn!!!! I am still laughing about it all. They thought they got me with my car and pizza but it didnt end there lol! Let's just say our small group got the final laugh LOL!!!!! For those that are wondering what happened, you just had to be there LOL!!! But if you really want to know, just ask Christine and Crystal. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bottom line- It's all fun and games until someone gets in trouble or hurt....
Bottom line #2- I love my students, even the ones that TP'd my car and put pizza on it! LOL!!! man I love them for real! Last night was a night to remember!
Hahahaha DP!! I agree with bottom line number 2. One of the students said it was the best night of her life!!! Goodtimes goodtimes....We had a bible lesson in the car on our way to get you guys the second time lol :)