-Focus on God, worrying about life, money, and "other things" only push us away from a right relationship with Christ, Mark 4:19.
-As a Christ follower let's just believe in FAITH that God will do miracles, so that friends, family, and people will get to know Christ because we believe! Stop procrastinating! Just believe, John 20:19-29.
-The truth will always last, Prov. 12:19.
Great start to the morning!
Work- Ran a little late to work due to some personal stuff but hey, no excuses! Got a lot of things done at work today. Packed away most of the sandals, the sale sandals we kept on the floor and the 50% off sandals we put in our sale room. Rearranged different brands and cleaned up shelves. Got a "Brand Focus" table, for every sale of the week, we will highlight one brand on the front fixture to draw attention to the brand. We will see how it works. Trying to get rid of boxes so trying to figure out a way to get someone to come get them. Put in ad for anyone moving or just needing boxes. Was in need of getting rid of shoe boxes but found someone that is willing to take them! Man it is crazy how God works, while looking for ads that might already be in craigslist for people looking to get rid of boxes i come across a lady that is needing some shoe boxes for a project she is wanting to do. Now check this out, she needed exactly 24 shoe boxes! i went to work today and we had exactly 24 shoe boxes to give away! mannnnn GOD IS AWESOME! im just so happy we could be of service to this lady! She will pick them up tomorrow!
Side note- Was supposed to go watch one of my students play softball but couldnt make it because of work but there is always next time! Found out there was a terrible accident in St. Joseph again, 3 people died? or so? man that is so sad to me! That isnt the first time that has happened at that same place!
Real Estate- went to go show a home for a friend, things seemed to go well. Im excited to help my friend find a home and also maybe sell his home. Things are going well, just one day at a time, in the process of getting my name out still! I know things will be ok, the Lord will ALWAYS provide.
Meeting- After showing the home to my friend, i went to go meet my cousins peps and keng and friend paul at Jupiters 2 to have some pizza and talk about some soccer stuff. It was a productive meeting, went over some things that we needed to make sure happened next game. We will be ready for this next team! I'm just so hyped that im back on the field! Also excited that i have a solid team of leaders and talent! BIG UPS to CHAM-BANA DIVIDED!
Lesson of the day- Be happy for the small things in life.
I didn't know you did real estate stuff. cool!