Morning devo-
-Don't move, wait on God. Be patient it's not about when we want it to happen, it's God who is in control.God will equip you with ALL you need to glorify His name, Acts 1:4-8.
-Will you serve when He calls you? Will your influence be positive? We are called to be like Jesus. He is not some"eternal blessing machine" that we call on, but a God we serve to glorify His name. God's goal: produce saints, to influence this world in a positive way, 1peter 1:16
what a way to start the morning!!!! Prayer and PRAYER!!! nothing like God's WORD! yezzzzzzzzzziiirrrcuuuuuuhhh!!!!! man i love it!
Meeting with Jason-
Met with Jason this morning at county market, we talked about a few major things that were coming up that we should prepare for. we drank some "naked juice" mango flavor ! mannnn that it the best! nothing like some nutrients early in the morning! also i came across my favorite chips in the world! "krunchers- sea salt and cracked pepper" had a buy 2 for $5 dollars sale! so i had to go ahead and scoop those little buddies up!!!!!
North Dakota Convention-
we have an opportunity to go to North Dakota's youth convention and share our God given abilities and our testimonies. So in order to prepare for the trip we have to make sure GOD is in the mix. We are in the process of figuring out logistics and also the content of quality of dance we will perform for North Dakota! it is going to be awesome! a great opportunity for these kids to glorify JESUS!
Student Leadership-
we will be starting this in mid september, it will be a great opportunity to disciple our students and train our future servant leaders. Teaching them and empowering them to impact society and their schools in a positive way. This is going to be an awesome experience, i cant wait to see this pop off! The idea is to have our students grow in Faith and leadership skills. to LEAD LIKE JESUS!
Serving sermon-
Next we discussed how i did with my sermon on "serving." it was good to hear the constructive criticism. got to keep myself a sponge and absorb all i can about life. Got some things to improve on and got some things that worked great.
TRUE STORY STATEMENT- always keep yourself a student of life, you can never learn enough.
after that i took a much needed nap, man it felt good, didnt want to wake up but had to. it was for 45 minutes but it felt like 5 hours!
Real Estate-
i feel like things are going to pick up soon, and that i better be ready. had a webinar training on my website and how to run things on it. Good to learn some new things about the business. After the training, went to show a home to a friend that is looking to buy a new home and sell their current home. We will see what happens. I always want to make transactions a win/win situation, so we'll see how things go! Got to look out for whats best for the client! Then went back to the office to get a few questions answered that my friend had. Got the answers and set up an appointment to meet tomorrow morning to get on the same page.
had a list of things to get that i ran out of at home, things like lotion (got to keep the skin moisturized), skin toner ( some astringent to keep that face clear and bump free :)) pen refills , note pads ( note taking, thoughts, ideas, etc.)
SI (Sudden Impact- youth group)-
5:30pm Prayer-
walked in to a teaching by jason with the students and before things kicked off. He started with asking about good news from the students. at first noone wanted to share but then Laura kicked it off and shared some great news about her teacher? i dont quite remember, please forgive me lurrr! :) but i know it was some good news. Bless was next and his good news was that stevie and him participated in a bboy jam (breakdancing competition) this weekend and they made it to the second round which is awesome considering they were the youngest to participate in the jam, but the really awesome news was they met up with a kid that they had danced against the last time there was a bboy jam and they prayed for him and invited him to church!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am so proud of my students, they are growing so much !!!! Student leadership!!!!!!
Before service- hung out with students played some basketball, kicked the soccer ball around (keep in mind it was sprinkling the whole time)
great to be in the presence of God, seeing some of the students lifting their hands in surrender to God for the first time...priceless...Thank you JESUS! i am free to run!!!! i am free to dance!!! i am free to live for you!!!
take me to that place Lord, to that secret place Lord, so i can be with you, and you can make me like you! warp me in your arms!! wrap me in your arms! wrap me in your arms!!!
PICTURE THIS- no matter how bad life is, no matter how crazy things, no matter how empty you may feel...GOD is the only one that can fill that VOID! when we are weak HE IS STRONG!
Sermon (Matt Boyle)-
i am a hero!!!! yes we are bro! we are all super heros!! great message tonight by Matt. He is currently an intern here at our church! Also a great soccer player that is playing on Cham-Bana Divided (the soccer team we came up with to play in the park district). great message tonight about how God uses us to be heros to save our friends and family!
At the end of service I got an opportunity to pray for one of my students that just recently graduated from Lincoln's Challenge Academy ( which is a boot camp for individuals)! great to see him growing, he has been telling me his life is turning out to be great, he just recently got a job, hes going to school, he loves God, he's meeting new people so life is great for him right now! its always great to hear awesome news like that from my students.
Outside -
after that i went outside to supervise the kids. lets just say they are wild lol! i love my students! lots to testosterone flowing so they were all slap boxing and scrapping for some of the it was the first time ever at church so some were cussing. but i had to let them know that they couldnt cuss. for the most part they listened and apologized. but i tried to calm them down from slap boxing and they would stop for a little bit but go back to chasing each other and scrapping again. kids! then finally Security Phil came and did the same thing i did to calm them down, they listened for a bit then back to doing it again... lol squirelly kids! then Phil CHECKED them ALL by yelling if anyone threw one more punch they were never coming back again. LOL! boy did they stop quick! by golly noone through another punch lol! they are so funny, i love church. i hope they continue to come, i cant wait to see how God will transform these kids lives. WE ALL NEED JESUS!
TRUE STORY STATEMENT- kids are a product of their environment, they are not to blame. only way to bring them to a relationship with Christ is through LOVE.
(this was my day off too)
Hah busy guy! I like naked juice too.