Met with Jason today about what is coming up with our Student leadership program! I am excited about that, we discussed things over a good ol Burger King breakfast! Havent had their breakfast in years! it was deeeeeliccious!!!!
Real Estate-Went to go show some homes today! That is always a good thing. Feels like things are beginning to pick up and that is a great thing! Remember ! long term goal is motivational speaking to our future!!!
Had team meeting with the real estate team! It was good, went over some basics so that we were all on the same page. Im glad I'm on the team, great to work with a unified team under great leadership! Keeping myself a sponge to learn all i can about the industry! Got a lot done in the office today, prepping for a busy upcoming weeks! My signs were finished today! I went to go pick them up, its pretty crazy to see yourself on a sign :) They turned out pretty good! Can't wait to see what God has in store! Thank you Jesus!!
Sudden Impact (youth group)-
Prayer- seeing some growth in my students, a boldness in them! exciting stuff! "God calls things that are not as though they were" Rom. 4:17 KEY ELEMENT IN PRAYER! knowing who is behind it all!!! love seeing the growth and confidence!
Before service- Man i love my kids! i really do! such interesting conversations! Well first thing you got to know about me is that i'm pretty unique in a sense that my sense of fashion is pretty LOUD. Thats just my personality. Today i had on my regular business casual attire (short sleeve classic Polo, dress slacks, colorful socks and black dress shoes) but i had to change for Sudden Impact. I changed into my usual SI attire (shorts,& SI shirt) But this time i wore my pink Jack Purcell shoes and kept my colorful dress socks on LOL, so my students didnt kno what to say except "cool" "i really like your shoes" "your socks are awesome" it was the expressions on their face before they even said anything! LOL!
Service - service was good, we were promoting our small groups at the beginning, i have the Champaign high school students this year! I cant wait !! we kick it off this sunday!! Jonny spoke about the importance of small groups , and mentioned that if it wasnt for small groups he would have never known i was once a buddhist monk! LOL! crazy! yea? Well now you know! Small groups are great! they are a great way to meet and learn about each other and begin to build a relationship! the highlight of my night was at the end of service, one of my students came up and asked for prayer. First of all thats AWESOME! the second part is, one of my other students that i have been mentoring, Stevie came up just to say wassup then he saw that his friend was the one that needed prayer and Stevie actually led out the prayer!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mannn i am sooo proud of my students BOLDNESS!!!
It was the last night for Pastor Kevin and Ann Pimblott! going to really miss them at church! they are most definitely encouragements to me! There was a little going away get together at the church after service, a lot of people came to hang out and say their byes. We are going to miss them!
After service- Hanging out with the students i ran into one of the student's grandmother. The funny thing i had just helped her yesterday at my shoe store pick out some shoes and i told her i thought i saw her before at our church (Stone Creek Church). I asked her if she came to Wednesday Bible study and she said yes and she brings her grandson,Kiwane, to the youth. So today i ran into her at the end of service and asked her where her grandson was. She pointed him out and one way or another we started talking about life and go figure i know her son in law! so to make a long story short i actually grew up with her son in law, Sonny Walker. He was one of the guys i looked up to in the neighborhood growing up playing basketball! So i told her grandson, Kiwane, that i knew Sonny, and Kiwane was like "no you dont" then another one of my students popped out of nowhere and said "no you dont" lol and i told them i grew up with him and he was like an older bro! SMALL WORLD!
Dropping the kids off at home- on the way taking them home we ran into Dan "the handler" Hornbuckle! i was super excited to see him! thats one of my boys that i went to high school with and now he is a professional fighter like MMA and UFC style of fighting. So it was good to run into him again! told the kids he was a living legend! Dan shouts back" you guys are in good hands with that guy"(saying that to the students referring to me) always good to hear encouraging things! Thanks HORNY!!!! (thats the name we called him in highschool at football games and wrestling matches)
The WORD -Acts 19. I dont know what it is about this book, but thats all i can think about right now. I read it in my devotional time yesterday. Seems like i cant get away from it. Starting to read a book called Off-Road Disciplines: Spiritual adventures of Missional Leaders and at the end of the chapter i was reading, it talked about Acts 19. Then "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." Gal. 2:20. that was in that chapter of the book i was reading , then when i spoke to Jim Ramos tonight, that verse was brought up again! this is awesome! Then another one, " Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1Cor. 15:58.
Skype with Jim Ramos- met Jim at Pearson's when i had just moved back from Los Angeles, California, has been a huge influence in my life! talk about BOLDNESS! well anyways, Jim is in california right now taking some time off to heal from surgery. Talking on facebook led to Skype! Technology is crazy!! He is always encouraging! i told him that i was getting really busy in life and that i needed some prayer! Jim made a good point, he said that its not about activities but its about relationships! then he continued with Gal. 2:20! thats when i told him about Acts 19. I told him that is what is really speaking to me right now is to be BOLD so GOD can use me like PAUL! final thought he gives me is 1 Cor. 15:58.
Prayer- Told my boy to keep me in his prayers, told Jim to keep me in his prayers, I'm asking you to keep me in your prayers! Pray for God's Wisdom and direction. Prayer moves!!!! Let me know if you need any prayer! There's a war going on out there!
Anyone reading this i hope you are encouraged! GET INSPIRED!
By the way, this is a typical day off...I love JESUS!
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