Saturday, December 18, 2010

WHOA! Been to long!

Man it has been too long since i have been on here! So much has happened since the last post! I just recently finished up on my first home closing! It was really exciting, it was pretty funny. Met some pretty interesting people!

Met up with the bros last night, we had another game night lol! We have taken it to the next level and now we are playing on the projector screen! We had a blast last night! Had a tournament, had some good games, had some pizza, had some bonding, had some arguing, had some awesome fun! LOL!

I cant believe how fast the new year is almost here. I cant wait for the new year. So much has happened this year and so much more is about to happen next year! God is so great, I am so grateful for a savior that has mercy and grace on me.  Ups and downs in life but one thing constant...G-O-D! I love you Lord!

With so much going on, i dont want to lose focus on the most important thing and that is my relationship with Christ! Been reading and praying a lot.

On another note, just got asked to be a groomsman for one of close friend's wedding! Man, I am hyped. Excited for him, so many things are happening!

"miracles are happening.miracles are going to happen.pray.believe.get inspired."

Thank you Jesus, for another day to see and live out for you. God I pray that we don't take the little things for granted and just love one another. I pray that we would show our love to one another through serving and helping those that are less fortunate than ourselves. I pray we live selflessly. Thinking more about others needs than our own. God help us be more like you! I pray these things in Jesus name. AMEN!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Serious! Now this is a great article!

I came across this from a good friend of mine, and man o man is this the real deal!

here is the link:

When you get to the page click on the arrow and it will take you through the slide show. Some good stuff!

Word to the wise- don't settle for less than the best, we are all humans and we make mistakes but if you see a reoccurring pattern, you might want to re-evaluate the situation. No room for grey area!

Golden Rule- Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Got that GOOD STUFF!!!!!

Wow!! Man, just read this and wanted to share it! Good stuff right here!!!! 

"The Law of Opposition"
by Oswald Chambers taken from "My Utmost for His Highest"

"To him who overcomes..." (Revelation 2:7)

Life without war is impossible in the natural or the supernatural realm. It is a fact that there is a continuing struggle in the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual areas of life.

Health is the balance between the physical parts of my body and all the things and forces surrounding me. To maintain good health I must have sufficient internal strength to fight off the things that are external. Everything outside my physical life is designed to cause my death. The very elements that sustain me while I am alive work to decay and disintegrate my body once it is dead. If I have enough inner strength to fight, I help to produce the balance needed for health. The same is true for the mental life. If I want to maintain a strong and active mental life, I have to fight. This struggle produces the mental balance called thought.

Morally it is the same. Anything that does not strengthen me morally is the enemy of virtue within me. Whether I overcome, thereby producing virtue, depends on the level of moral excellence in my life. But we must fight to be moral. Morality does not happen by accident; moral virtue is acquired.

And spiritually it is also the same. Jesus said, "In the world you will have tribulation..." (John 16:33). This means that anything which is not spiritual leads to my downfall. Jesus went on to say, "...but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." I must learn to fight against and overcome the things that come against me, and in that way produce the balance of holiness. Then it becomes a delight to meet opposition.

Holiness is the balance between my nature and the law of God as expressed in Jesus Christ.

yes!!!!!!!!!!! mannnnnn! I hope you are encouraged! I know I was!!!!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thank you Lord for another day!

Woke up this morning and worked out, met some new people, seen some old people, showed a home, showered, saw my cousins before they went back to Los Angeles, now getting ready for work.

Got inspired.

Realized how awesome God really is. No matter what I might be going through, no matter the circumstance, we got to understand that we have to be grateful for the small things like waking up another day, legs to walk, eyes to see, ears to hear and mouth to speak...

It  says in the Bible that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...." Genesis 1:1

You have to understand that God created all things, and He is the reason you are here another day. We have to understand that its only through Christ we are able to do things!

Be grateful, let someone know how grateful you are for them or how grateful you are for another day to live for Christ!

I don't know what you might be going through, I dont minimize the struggle but I just want to encourage you today that God created another day for you to live and enjoy it and live it to the fullest! Lets rejoice!

My prayer for you is that you will just see the good in the small things, in the basic things. God you are all powerful and almighty God, creator of all things. I pray that you will meet all our needs and provide for us the things that are necessary. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and help us live more like Christ! In Jesus name I pray!

Praise God!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving day!

Its been a while since I have been on here! But so much has gone on since the last post, been really busy!

Since the last post I went to our Excel (young adults/college group) retreat! Which was awesome, had a time of silence for like 3 hours straight to hear God speak into our lives!
Sold my first home listing! So that has been crazy! Sold my first house and my first listing (which is a house that I was selling for my client) Now been on the search for a new home for my clients, got some other clients looking for homes as well! Real estate has been busy busy busy!
Hung out with some of the fellas last Sunday for our first ever "Turkey Bowl." We had about 25 people show up so it was an awesome time of football!
Been busy and also making time for the gym! Been working out consistently for about 2 weeks now! Seeing some results!!! Its going real well!
Now its Thanksgiving! Family time! It is going to be an awesome time of hanging out with the family! Mom has requested that I pray over the thanksgiving meal!! Thats huge considering most of my family is from a Buddhist background!!!

Thank you Jesus for this opportunity just to pray over the meal and spend time with my family!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen! Pray!Believe!Get Inspired!"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Eternal Goal

What a great devotional  this morning! I thought I would share!!!!

Taken from Oswald Chambers from "My Utmost for His Highest"

The Eternal Goal

"By Myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing . . . that in blessing I will bless thee. . . ." Genesis 22:15-19

Abraham, at this point, has reached the place where he is in touch with the very nature of God.  He now understands the Reality of God.

"My goal is God Himself . . .
At any cost, dear Lord, by any road."

"At any cost... by any road" means submitting to God's way of bringing us to the goal.

There is no possibility of questioning God when He speaks, if He speaks to His own nature in me.  Prompt obedience is the only result. When Jesus says - "Come," I simply come; when He says - "Let go," I let go; when He says - "Trust in God in this matter," I do trust. The whole working out is the evidence that the nature of God is in me.

God's revelation of Himself to me is influenced by my character, not by God's character.

"'Tis because I am ordinary,
Thy ways so often look ordinary to me."

By the discipline of obedience I get to the place where Abraham was and I see who God is. God will never be real to me until I have come face to face with Him in Jesus Christ. Then I will know that and boldly proclaim, "in all the world, my God, there is none but Thee, there is none but Thee." 

The promises of God are of no value to us until by obedience we understand the nature of God. We may read some things in the Bible everyday for a year and they mean nothing to us. Then because we have been obedient to God in some small detail, we suddenly we see what God means and His nature is instantly opened up to us. "All the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen..." (2Corinthians 1:20).  Our "Yes" must be born of obedience; when by obedience we ratify a promise of God by saying, "Amen," or "So be it." That promise becomes ours.

For those that read this, I hope you are encouraged, I pray that God fills you with His Holy Spirit and renews you. Thank you Jesus for your love, mercy and grace! It is through Christ all things are possible! I pray that God will guide and direct your paths. All these things I pray in Jesus name, AMEN!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

Small Groups!

We just had our last small group last night! All it was an absolute blast LOL!!!! I am still laughing about what happened.

I lead the Champaign high school students along with another leader, Sirimal, a good friend of mine. So, for our final dinner together we had fried chicken !!! Boy was it delicious! One of my student's mom helps us out with the food and she is awesome!!! So we are enjoying one another's company, talking, hanging out, etc. Then we are interrupted by one of the youth leaders, Christine. She comes in and says, "is everything ok? because your cars are covered in toilet paper..." From that point it was a crazy night! lol!!!

Summary, my car and Sirimal's car gets TP'd (they put toilet paper all over our cars). All i have to say is silly string, saran wrap, water and the toilet paper they used on our cars. LIGHTS OUT! LOL! So much happened in between time, Im still laughing about it all, but that wasnt it. They came back and got MY car with pizza! lol!!! hahahahahaha mannnn!!!! I am still laughing about it all.  They thought they got me with my car and pizza but it didnt end there lol! Let's just say our small group got the final laugh LOL!!!!! For those that are wondering what happened, you just had to be there LOL!!! But if you really want to know, just ask Christine and Crystal. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bottom line- It's all fun and games until someone gets in trouble or hurt....

Bottom line #2- I love my students, even the ones that TP'd my car and put pizza on it! LOL!!! man I love them for real! Last night was a night to remember!

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Just got back from a retreat with the young adults/college group...It was awesome! 24 hour fast without food, had a time of prayer and praise, and a 3 hour time of silence (to hear God speak, to read the Bible, journal, etc...just couldnt talk)

What a fun time! It was good to be away in the woods where there was very to no reception on phones and just to get away from civilization!

God spoke and I know things are happening! Can't wait to see!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired."

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I can't believe it's Friday!!!

Hey world wide web friends!!! Just touching base with you guys! It seems like I havent been on here for a bit, but I haven't forgotten! So much has been going on and still going on!

Here's a recap!

Nov. 7-11th
Sunday- Parade of Nations! It was awesome, the parade of nations is a time where we represent all the nations in our church. We had over 50 represented? Man that was awesome to see that many nations represented. So I was in church all day, Pastor Ricky's message was awesome! Really was a great service!

Right after the service had our final soccer game! It was a good game, we finished off the season 4-4. It looks like an ok season but to me i think we had a great season, learned alot about our team. The losses we had were really close games. In my opinion I think we have the most talent on our team, we just need to learn to play together. This was the first time we ever played together, so I am excited to see how our following seasons will be like :) I love my team, a team full of talent and diversity! YESS!!! Wouldnt want it any other way! If any of the team members are reading this...I love you guys!

After the game, we had Prayer and Praise at the church! People were getting water baptized! I was really excited to be there because some of my students had made the commitment to "take the plunge." I had the opportunity to do the actual water baptizing! WOW! What an experience, who would have thought i would ever be doing the baptizing. To go from getting baptized to doing the baptizing! AWESOME! I LOVE YOU JESUS! I was so proud of my students that got baptized! I am so excited to see what is going to take place here! Big things are going to happen!!!!!

Right after the service Pastor Ricky, Pastor Jason and I had to drive to Chicago. We were heading to Minneapolis the next morning, flying out of O'hare. So we decided to visit and stay with a friend instead of taking the drive early morning from Champaign. Finally made it in Chicago and the day hadnt stopped there LOL! We were all hungry so we had some good ole Chicago Hotdogs! Man what a way to end the long long long long day!!! Hung out for a bit then finally went to sleep around 1am! We had to wake up at 530am to make it on time for our flight!

Monday-Tuesday(Minneapolis, MN)
We were in Minneapolis to do some recruiting for interns for the summer at our church. What an awesome trip. So much happened, met some cool people and enjoyed the weather up there! It was my first time ever hanging out in Minneapolis. Got to see downtown, and the Mall of America! It was all cool to see! But the important thing was meeting new people. I was an absolute clown! LOL! I think the whole time we laughed! Not a dull moment! It was awesome! After visiting it made me realize why I love diversity so much! I am so thankful for Stone Creek Church, thats how church should look.DIVERSE. There is only one race and that's the HUMAN RACE!

Last day in Minneapolis. This was our only day to sleep in. Woke up and hung out a little. Then rolled straight to the airport on the L-train. Had to make it to our youth service . Landed in Chicago at 230pm. Finally got to Champaign at 530pm. Just in time for service. Missed my students! I am so happy when I see them! After service dropped off some of my students then finally got home at 930pm. Unpacked a little, fell out at 11pm. Had to work early in the morning! WHEWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First day back at work. LONG LONG LONG WEEK ! lol NON STOP! Had a great day back at work though! Veterans day! Super busy day! We hit our goal and racked up some major money! What a day, what a week I tell you! Tomorrow is our young adults/college group retreat! Here we go! NON STOP!

Man living for Jesus is an adventure! I LOVE EVERY MOMENT He has given me to live and praise His name! THANK YOU JESUS!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Friday, November 5, 2010

Whats been happening!

So much has gone on in the past few weeks, I thought I would give you a quick snap shot! 

Where do we start...
Week of Oct. 10-16th- 
-Small groups went real well, I really enjoy my time with my students. Pouring into their lives and making a positive impact is my goal. So that is going real well! 
-We won our soccer game! 
-Illinois Best Dance Crew- My students entered a dance competition and won 2nd place!!!! They were up against some great acts! Professional dancers!!! I am so proud of them! From the beginning to end they repped Jesus Christ and the audience knew that they were Christ followers! Very encouraging!
-Student leadership- another opportunity to empower our students!
-going away party for one of my students, he has headed out to basic training, keep him in prayer!

Week of Oct. 17th-23rd
-We won another soccer game! 2 weeks in a row! yay!!!
-North Dakota Youth Convention! What an awesome time to see God's power! Man, God was with us from start to finish! All i have to say is living for Jesus is an ADVENTURE!!!! Met some students, prayed for some students, made some new friends, left a positive mark on Fargo, North Dakota in Jesus name!

Week of Oct. 24th-30th
- Back from the convention and back to busy life!!!!!
-Sunday- 10am-12pm church, 130pm leaders meeting, 2pm-4pm open house, 4pm-530pm soccer game, 6pm-8pm small groups and finally time to rest and gather thoughts! 
-Youth retreat wed-friday- It was called "Roots and Wings" awesome time to see students grow and learn more about Jesus. To see them worship and praise God! Prayed for students and enjoyed the last day with chicken wings and root beer floats! It was fun to hang out with students!
-All night prayer- right after the finale on friday was all night prayer on campus! it was great! not a bad way to end the week!

Week of Oct 31st-Nov. 6th
- Trunk or Treat! we had our trunk or treat at the church for the community! it was an awesome time, we had about 1500-2000 kids/people show up. The people that participated in the trunk or treat with their cars did an awesome job of decorating !! it was an overall great time!
-signed up for a gym membership!- got a realization that I need to keep myself up to par with my health! So decided to get motivated and work out to get fit!
-went to Broadlands, Illinois for the first time, we were out there on a team caravan to preview some of the homes we have listed out there. It was awesome, got to eat at a pizza place and check out the area! It was fun!
-went to a worship service after work Thursday night, after that a few of the guys and I played some good ole Fifa 2010! Nothing like a good game of 2 on 2 on the ps3! LOL! 
-All Campus worship tonight! and then off to a friendly game of basketball with some of the fellas!!!! 

snap shot of the past few weeks of my hectic life! Living for Jesus is an adventure I tell you! Next week I will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota! I will keep ya posted!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Just the other day...

It has been a busy week for me, but in the times of being so on the go, I happened to find quiet time.  I came across this:

Psalm 19: 11-14 (the Message translation)
11-14 There's more: God's Word warns us of danger
      and directs us to hidden treasure.
   Otherwise how will we find our way?
      Or know when we play the fool?
   Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh!
      Keep me from stupid sins,
      from thinking I can take over your work;
   Then I can start this day sun-washed,
      scrubbed clean of the grime of sin.
   These are the words in my mouth;
      these are what I chew on and pray.
   Accept them when I place them
      on the morning altar,
   O God, my Altar-Rock,
      God, Priest-of-My-Altar.

Man this is real serious...

This really spoke to me about how important it really is to be in God's word and to really build that relationship with Him. Each day I wake up, I thank God for another day, because the reality of it is...we aren't promised tomorrow. I encourage you to make this one of your prayers to the Lord. A lot of times I find myself thinking I can do all things on my own and when I accomplish them "on my own" theres a feeling of reliance on SELF. I know we get into these habits of thinking we can do things all by ourselves. A sense of independence is created when we do this. But the truth is we need to be dependent solely on God and doing what God has called us to do. Relying on the Holy Spirit's help and to be driven and led by the Holy Spirit!

Lord, I pray that I don't fall into thinking that I can do all things on my own when your word says that "I can do all things through Christ who is my strength" God you are my strength, you are OUR strength. When we are weak, Lord you are strong! God strengthen us and refresh us with your presence! I pray that you will be our guiding light and our strong foundation for when the storms come! All these things I pray in Jesus name, AMEN!

I hope those that read this are encouraged,

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Devotional October 27, 2010

Wow! I love Jesus! I hope this encourages all that read!


9 Two are better than one,
       because they have a good return for their work:

 10 If one falls down,
       his friend can help him up.
       But pity the man who falls
       and has no one to help him up!

 11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
       But how can one keep warm alone?

 12 Though one may be overpowered,
       two can defend themselves.
       A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NIV)

We need to support one another and hold one another accountable. We have to understand that we can't always do things on our own. A lot of times I find myself wanting to do things on my own, I don't know where that comes from, maybe a bit of pride and ego? Probably. I know I need to get better at that, dying to self. Realizing I can't do EVERYTHING on my own. We need people in our lives that will encourage us, help us when we are down, pray for us and also provide wisdom. We need to surround ourselves with people that are more wise that we are, that will hold us accountable to live a life reflecting Christ Jesus! I encourage you not to go through life solo dolo, but with support and accoutability!


 15-16So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you'll see it yet! Now that we're on the right track, let's stay on it.
 17-19Stick with me, friends. Keep track of those you see running this same course, headed for this same goal. There are many out there taking other paths, choosing other goals, and trying to get you to go along with them. I've warned you of them many times; sadly, I'm having to do it again. All they want is easy street. They hate Christ's Cross. But easy street is a dead-end street. Those who live there make their bellies their gods; belches are their praise; all they can think of is their appetites.
 20-21But there's far more to life for us. We're citizens of high heaven! We're waiting the arrival of the Savior, the Master, Jesus Christ, who will transform our earthy bodies into glorious bodies like his own. He'll make us beautiful and whole with the same powerful skill by which he is putting everything as it should be, under and around him.

Phil 3:15-21 (message)

Commitment is a tough word and a tough thing to do period nowadays it seems like. People are so scared to do something that requires time and loyalty. It's because of what the world is teaching us and what is portrayed in the media as being lazy, going the easy route and quitting if things don't work out, is why this generation is not committed. It says in the Bible that we need to stay focused and totally committed to God and there will be times when people will try to steer you another route, an "easier" route but the reality is that "easy" route will send you off to a dead end.  When I read this, thoughts of the past came in mind of how many people try to take you through that "easy" route, how the world will trick you to think that serving yourself and doing what makes you happy instead of being obedient to God is the way. Reality is God wants our TOTAL COMMITMENT, can you give that today? I encourage you to be totally committed to Jesus and stay focused on what He has planned for you!


 17The seventy came back triumphant. "Master, even the demons danced to your tune!"
 18-20Jesus said, "I know. I saw Satan fall, a bolt of lightning out of the sky. See what I've given you? Safe passage as you walk on snakes and scorpions, and protection from every assault of the Enemy. No one can put a hand on you. All the same, the great triumph is not in your authority over evil, but in God's authority over you and presence with you. Not what you do for God but what God does for you—that's the agenda for rejoicing."

Luke 10:17-20 (message)

Don't get it twisted, joy comes from being in relationship with Christ, NOT from what we do for Christ. God has given us all the power to overcome satan's plans but that is not we should rejoice about. The true rejoicing is that God's Holy Spirit is with us and His authority is over us! A lot of times I find myself rejoicing in doing works for Christ when in reality its not the works but Christ doing a work IN ME. It's easy to forget that I'm doing God's work so that God gets all the glory, NOT ME. I encourage you to remember that its not about the works, but its about being in RIGHT relationship with Christ!

Thank you Lord for all you are doing, and all you're going to do! I love you Jesus! Thank you for another day to live and glorify your name! Jesus I pray that whoever reads this will be encouraged to follow you and that their heart will be open to what it is that YOU are speaking to them about! Holy Spirit fill us! Lord have YOUR WAY! I pray this in Jesus name, AMEN!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe. Get Inspired!"

Sunday, October 24, 2010

"Encourage the fainthearted, help the weak" 1Thessalonians 5:14

Why we need each other

A mouse looked through a crack in a farmhouse wall and was distraught to discover a mousetrap. When he went to tell his buddies, the chicken said, "Sorry pal, not my problem." The pig said, "I'll pray for you." The cow was busy and said, "come back later." Dejected, the mouse was left alone to handle his problem. That night a poisonous snake got caught in the mousetrap and when the farmer's wife went to investigate she got bitten. She developed a raging fever, and everyone knows you treat a fever with chicken soup. So the farmer took his axe to the barn for the main ingredient! As his wife's condition deteriorated and neighbor's gathered, he had to butcher the pig to feed them. Finally she died. So many people came to the funeral that he ended up slaughtering the cow to make them dinner for them all. In the end everybody lost!

The Bible says, "Encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone." It only takes one thing to be an encourager: a willingness to "bear the weaknesses of those without strength and not just please ourselves" (Romans 15:1 NAS). Before deciding somebody else's problem has nothing to do with you, read this: "If one member suffers, all the members suffer" (1Corinthians 12:26 NKJV). You can't sit on the sidelines while someone's hurting; tomorrow it may be YOU! We are told to "Share each other's burdens" (Gal. 6:2 NLT). When one of us is threatened we're all at risk. Our lives are woven together for a reason; each of us is a vital thread in another person's tapestry.

---taken from "The Word for you Today"

What a great word! I hope you are encouraged when reading!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Back from an awesome week!

Long long long week! Just got back from Fargo, North Dakota for a youth convention! Man it was awesome! A long trip but it was so worth it! Got to really see God move! Man, I love Jesus! He is always with us and its crazy how sometimes we just are so busy that we arent listening!

So much happened while we were there! I wish I had more time to just go detail for detail! But we laughed, cried, smiled, took pictures, spoke, danced and more importantly glorified God's name! Thank you Jesus!

I know I have been missing on this thing they call blog! But I will be back more often than none :), keep praying for me! I will need it, some major things are about to happen here real quick, I just feel it! But pray for wisdom and to stay focused on what I need to do for Jesus! I want to be flexible for God's work!

Picked up right where i left off with life being busy !!!

Today was church, leader's meeting, open house, soccer game, then small groups! WOW!!! LOL!! I LOVE IT!

I really enjoy small groups, they give us a chance to grow together! I really enjoy watching my students grow! Watch out! Training up the Future Leaders of the World!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray. Believe. Get Inspired!"

Prayer requests? let me know, i got you! Prayer warriors STAND UP!!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Great day!

Had church today! Worship was awesome, I had to reserve myself a little! I thought i was going to bust out and dance right in front row! LOL! Pastor had a great message today about the myth that "God brings good luck." It was good awesome! Sometimes we tend to "USE" God instead of being in a "RIGHT" relationship with HIM!

Been in a chippy mood all day today! Been all over the place hyper :) Had a soccer game right after church, so i had to prep for that! That means stretch, stretch and more stretching LOL! My body is not the same as it was back in high school when I could just jump right onto the field and play! The game went well! we passed better and we played better, we ended up winning 4-1. So no worries! We are now 3-3 as a team, not to bad, i think we should be good for the rest of the season! We are finally getting some chemistry going with the team! I love my soccer team! Full of talent just need to work together! I enjoy seeing these guys every weekend!

After the soccer game, I met up with Jason and some of the students to play some football! LOL!!! mannnnnnn what a fun time!!! I havent played in a long while. It was good to be on the field. I love shaking and baking people. I had a few times that I shook the dude so hard i think his legs popped off like mr potato head LOL!!! I LOVE IT!! At the end of the night, i think my own legs popped off, my feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts, man im just getting old! lol! ICY HOT APPLIED TO LEGS and BODY, AFTER SHOWER!

Not too bad of a day! I LOVE JESUS! Thank you Lord for all you do! YOU ARE AWESOME!

Some big things are happening, I cant wait to see all that God has planned! Thank you JESUS!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray. Believe. Get Inspired!"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Back to business!

A lot of things are in the process here. Will be headed to North Dakota here soon with Jason and some of the youth group. Just got my schedule for the next few weeks... its going to be interesting LOL. I will be part time for real now. So its going to be interesting to see what happens. I know it will be good though. More time to get things set with real estate, youth group, young adults/college group and life in general.

Real estate just seems to get better and better. But we'll see how that goes, haven't sold a home yet but opportunities are coming up. Not going to worry about things I cant control. I just want to live for Jesus. When He says GO I GO, thats all i need to know.

Excited for my youth group. We have student leadership this Saturday. Then we have our North Dakota trip, then right after that we got our retreat. Then after that I will be flying to Minneapolis with Rick and Jason! Man its going to be an adventure! Living for Jesus is an adventure!!! Just got one of my close friends to start helping at the youth group! I am excited. I know the kids will be also. Can't wait to see what is going to happen! God is GREAT!

So much happening, i havent been able to get on here to blog it...well really just laziness LOL! but its all good, i am a work in progress!

Please pray for wisdom with all the things that are coming up! I just want to live for Jesus! all other things will and can wait! its GO TIME!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen. Pray.Believe.Get Inspired!"

Monday, October 11, 2010

Keep God First!

I have been missing in action it seems like when it comes to this blog. I have been really busy, sometimes I feel like I'm on a treadmill and running full speed but not getting anywhere. Its been pretty rough, the past week, had alot to do with work and what not. But I honestly cant complain too much I am thankful i woke up this morning!

Small Groups- I love Jesus! Been seeing some pretty cool stuff happening lately, seeing alot of growth in my students. Had small groups this week and had a great time talking to them. We got off topic a little bit but it was awesome. We talked about life and what it was like to live for Jesus. I am so proud of my students. I cant wait to see what is in store!

Soccer game- We had a big victory this weekend. We beat this team 11-0, i felt really bad but it was good to leave with a victory. We scored all our points in the first half and I got some good advice from one of the leaders on the team stating that we should slow down from scoring. We shouldn't try to demoralize the team and have them quit because it wasn't fun anymore. He had a great point, and thats exactly what we did in the second half. We had some pretty funny moments, it was a pretty fun game, one of my teammates tripped over a mound of dirt and I know it's bad to laugh but we had a good time with it. LOL! i told him that he tripped over a turtle shell. LOL! Like the ones from mario cart the game LOL!! we all had  a great laugh. But it was awesome, he got a kick out of it!

Sunday service- Jonny and Jason preached this Sunday at church! It was a great message. I was excited for them both to be up there speaking God's word! It was very encouraging! My cousin came to service for the first time! So it was awesome to have him come and hear God's word!

Lately, I've been struggling, but came to a realization that I shouldnt worry too much. All i need to do is go to God with all i do and things will be ok. My only problem is i like to be in control of things. But I need God's control ! I need to let Him do His work in me. I need JESUS! For those that read this, please pray for guidance, wisdom and strength. I know it's only temporary that I go through this but it's no joke.

Just got the new LeCrae album. I have been encouraged! All i have to say is i cant wait to see whats about to happen.

Miracles are happening, miracles are happening. Pray. Believe. Get inspired!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A quick break from everything

It has been a while since I have been on here. Life has been crazy, I need to get things together. I have alot going on in my life but that is no excuse.  Honestly there are no excuses, you either get the job done or you don't. Control what you can and don't worry about the things that you can't. Been thinking alot about life and about what the future holds. I have alot of things that are going to happen here real quick. So much going through my mind. I feel like there is so much to do and so little time. I have been tired lately, tired of everything LOL! I was wondering why I was feeling this way, and i realized its from my lack of quality time this week spent with God.  Being involved and going to church doesn't mean I have quality quiet time with God. So its something i need to always remember to make time for. I have been slacking a little bit because let's face it, life happens! But thats no excuse. It's time to get disciplined.

Quiet time was awesome, read Job 1 and 2. Really hit home for me. No matter what I'm going through, I got to keep things in perspective.  Keep my head right and focused on God first! Im still so amazed at what God has done for us and for me! I read 2 Corinthians 5:12 and it just reminds me of how awesome God is and what He really has done! "God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." WOW!! man i LOVE JESUS! really do!

Anyone reading this or anyone period, please keep me in your prayers. So much to do in so little time, so many to impact in a positive way. Only way to get it done is through Christ!

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Fun weekend!

The last Friday as a full time associate! I am officially part time now, it hasn't hit me yet until I get my 1st check as a part time associate.  It's going to be a little different, but I know that it'll be ok. I know things will work out and that God will provide. I am happy to have more time to focus on building my real estate business and more importantly being more available to start speaking and taking the proper steps towards speaking to youth and young adults. So please pray for me, for wisdom and for God to provide for my needs!

Work- Work was good, things are going well, the new manager is really doing a great job with the store, I am excited about what is going to happen at the store! 

Small Groups- Started off with homemade stuffed deep dish pizza! It was AWESOME!!!! man i love small groups :) Got super full! Small groups this week was about judging people. Had a lot of good points and good discussion. Life change, its always good to get to hear other's points of views! After we sang some worship songs, brought out the guitar and keyboard! LOL ! fun times!


Student leadership-  Empowering the future leaders of the world! Had a fun time with my students! I love them! This week was foundational stuff. Teaching the importance of prayer and having a relationship with Christ. Letting them know about the importance of devotional time, quiet time, and time spent with God. The second half of Student leadership was showing them how to write a sermon. Showed them some good exercises to work on how to speak along with how to communicate. Empowering the future leaders of the world!!! Can't wait to see what is in store for them!

Work- Work was crazy on Saturday! We had our Dansko sale. Dansko is one of our biggest brands, so it was pretty busy during the afternoon hours! But overall it was a good day. 

Joseph's Chill and Grill- What a fun night!!!!! Man! started the night with some eats. One of the boys dropped off Fifa 2010 and 4 controllers!!!! You know what that means! After I grabbed a bite, jumped straight on the PS3!!!!! WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Played 3 v 3!! Man it was awesome!!!! We played for a while then took a quick break...what's crazy is what happened next! One way or another Jason (youth pastor) grabbed a guitar, Delwin (a worship pastor from Chicago) grabbed a guitar and James grabbed a guitar, Felix was in the back humming, i started to hum and then all of sudden we started singing! We sang for a little bit just messing around, making up lyrics. Then we decided instead of playing more Fifa 2010 we went upstairs where there was a studio!!!!!!YESS!!! Then we really got it going!!!!! Felix (drummer on the worship team) made up a quick song, Jason, Delwin, and James were on acoustic guitars! I sang backed Felix up singing! LOL! it was awesome! We recorded it on video and on audio!!!! At the end of the song we made up a funny song called "shoes and socks" lol!!! By that time more people had come up stairs and sang with us as well! lol !! man it was a great night! We did that for a while, it was getting late! So some people left and then the fellas went back to playing some FIFA!!!!! it was intense ! a few games went into penalties!! But what a great time! We all decided that we should have more nights like this!!


Start of the day- What a long day! Had church! Right after church i had to go straight to my open house ( a home that I have listed for sale). It was good to have the open house, got to talk to some people about the home and see what kind of interest was out there to get my client's home sold. Small world! One of the families that came through was actually one of my friend's parents! It was neat to reminisce with them! 

Soccer game- Right after the open house I had to go straight to my soccer game! It was against the team we had lost to earlier in the season but we had our opportunities to win. I was a about 20 minutes late to the game but as soon as i got there we scored. So not a bad start! Things were looking good for us! Overall we had our chances to win the game but we ended up losing 3-1. From missed penalty kick, missed shots and miscommunication among the team we killed ourselves. The other team even said that we should have won the game! But we just haven't connected like we need to yet. But its all good, i still think we played well for a team that has never played together and dont practice together. I am still optimistic about the season! It's not over yet! Right after the game was prayer and praise at church!! MAN! TALK ABOUT BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!!! and my gas tank was on empty since this morning! lol!!!

Prayer and praise- What a way to end the night! Regardless of the loss in the soccer game, and being hungry! Went into prayer with a joyous attitude! I am so THANKFUL for Jesus! Went in and got my praise on! Prayed for the country of the Philippines! It was good! We had some water baptisms too! That is always awesome to see people make a decision to show the public that they have made a decision to commit their lives to Jesus! Right after the water baptisms we ended like we always do! With a happy song! We sang "I am free!" I have a special dance with that song so I went straight to the front! The song started and i was the only one up there then as soon as they saw the dance, the whole front was filled with people doing the dance!!!! it was awesome!!!! 

Anyone who is reading this please keep me in prayer! i will need it !!!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get INSPIRED!!!!!"

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Assigning of the Call

Read this today and had to share it! It is from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. GET INSPIRED!!!

"I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of Christ, for the sake of His body, which is the church..."
Colossians 1:24

We take our own spiritual consecration and try to make it into a call of God, but when  we get right with Him He brushes all this aside . Then He gives us a tremendous, riveting pain to fasten our attention on something that we never even dreamed could be His call for us. And for one radiant, flashing moment we see His purpose, and we say, "Here I am! Send me" (Isaiah 6:8)
This call has nothing to do with personal sanctification, but with being made broken bread and poured out wine. Yet God can enver make us into wine if we object to the fingers He chooses to use to crush us. We say, "If God would only use His own fingers, and make me broken bread and poured-out wine in a special way, then I wouldn't object!" But when He uses someone we dislike, or some set of circumstances to which we said we would never submit, to crush us, then we object. Yet we must never try to choose the place of our own martyrdom. If we are ever going to be made into wine, we will have to be crushed--you cannot drink grapes. Grapes become wine only when they have been squeezed.
I wonder what finger and thumb God has been using to squeeze you? Have you been as hard as a marble and escaped? If you are not ripe yet, and if God had squeezed you anyway, the wine produced would have been remarkably bitter. To be a holy person means that the elements of our natural life experience the very presence of God as they are providentially broken in His service. We have to be placed into God and brought into agreement with Him before we can be broken bread in His hands. Stay right with God and let Him do as He likes, and you will find that He is producing the kind of bread and wine that will benefit His other children.

Wow!!! TRUE STORY!!!

I pray that we stay positive during our times of suffering. I pray that we put God first in ALL situations that we go through, good or bad! Jesus LEAD US!!!! I pray for strength and endurance!! So that we will be encouragements to those that need it around us! All this I pray in Jesus name! AMEN!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Athlete of the week!!!!!

A good question to ask is what day isn't busy for me eh? LOL!

Started the day off to one of my students sending me an encouraging word today "God prescribes trials, so rejoice when you are in them for it will produce endurance!" I'd say not a bad way to start the morning! Then another one of my students texts me "vote for me on" He was nominated to be "Athlete of the week." So I immediately put up my status on Facebook so peeps can vote for him! He deserves it! I hope he wins! And if you are reading this and haven't put a vote in, heres the link:
Please vote for Michael Lafenhagen! 

Work- Work was work today, typical work day, had some pretty fun customers today. Had one lady ask me about soccer and what offsides meant and how can you tell. So I demonstrated with a shoe insole LOL! it was funny, then i had a lady that called me crazy and funny. She had a fun time, i love fun customers! 

Dental appointment- Because I was going from full time to part time, my insurance is about to expire so I had to make sure I got my teeth cleaned. Got to keep these teeth and smile pretty yeah? :) The last time i was in was right before i moved to Los Angeles! LOL they even remembered that, they thought I still lived there and that I made a special visit to them! Everything checked out fine, felt clean! Need to start taking care of my teeth and keep them clean;  flossing and all!

Real Estate- Some things might be in the works soon! Still hearing lots of things people say about real estate but not going to get discouraged! Not going to worry about things I can't control, I know God has my back. HE WILL ALWAYS PROVIDE!

TRUE STORY STATEMENT- Regardless of wins or losses, I will still serve JESUS!

Got a lot of big things that are about to pop off here real soon! Student leadership ! North Dakota Convention! Youth Retreat! Recruiting in Minneapolis! I cant wait!!!

Had a great conversation with one of my students in Naperville! Just really proud of his progress! Cant wait to see what is in store for him! 

Pouring into others! Making a positive impact on others lives! LETS GO!!!!! GET INSPIRED!!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get INSPIRED!!!!"

Prayer Prayer Prayer!

Devo time!

It's long overdue eh? I praise you Lord! Much needed quality time! Read and get Inspired!

Text:  Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me. Mark 10:21 (NIV)

key points- 

"Jesus looked at him..." A good question to ask is when has Jesus looked at you? When have you felt him looking at a certain part of your life? This story illustrates how a man strived for perfection. The man had everything, he identified himself in all the stuff he had. He thought that he had it all figured out, he didn't think what was about to take place next would happen. What is Jesus looking at in your life? in your heart? What do you identify yourself with?

"One thing you lack..."This just shows that we need to stay humble and in complete oneness with God. There should be nothing that is between our relationship with God. 

"Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor..." What things do we have, material, accomplishments, achievements, relationships, money etc that we have put before Christ? This illustrates how simple we should really live. How our reliance should be on Christ, not our monetary value and our worth does not come from material possessions. It comes from CHRIST! One key word in there is "GO." When God says GO HE means GO! 

"and you will have treasure in heaven..." Reality of it is, we are going to pass one day and all this stuff we thought we had forever on earth will go too. Earthly things dont matter, its the "treasures in heaven" that do.  

"follow me." its only when we can die to ourselves is when we can really start to really follow Jesus.  

Crazy how simple things can really be, how often do we find ourselves thinking we got everything figured out? But the reality of it is we don't. Take it from the rich man that identified himself in his riches and when seeking perfection (JESUS). Jesus looked at him in love told him simply what to do. And that was to identify himself in Christ and no longer in his riches. WoW! 

Question- What would you do?

Text: If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Cor. 13:3-7 (NIV)

Key points- This has always been a deep verse for me. But really, this is LOVE. I really want to live this kind of love out! I know that this kind of love exists. THIS IS REALLY HOW LOVE SHOULD BE. Next time you get in a fight or mad at someone, I encourage you to really live this one out. I CHALLENGE YOU! 

TRUE STORY STATEMENT- You are bankrupt without love! 

Question- Where are you lacking in love?

Text-  But Adonijah, in fear of Solomon, went and took hold of the horns of the altar. Then Solomon was told, "Adonijah is afraid of King Solomon and is clinging to the horns of the altar. He says, 'Let King Solomon swear to me today that he will not put his servant to death with the sword.' "
Solomon replied, "If he shows himself to be a worthy man, not a hair of his head will fall to the ground; but if evil is found in him, he will die."Then King Solomon sent men, and they brought him down from the altar. And Adonijah came and bowed down to King Solomon, and Solomon said, "Go to your home."
1Kings1:50-53 (NIV)

Key points- Fear can really make you say/do some things that you dont really mean or want to. Don't let fear get the best of you.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Start of the week!

Started off the week with a team meeting early in the morning! It was good, got to hear what the new store manager had to say about expectations and about what changes were going to come about.  Overall I am excited for the store and team, I know some big things are about to happen, the store is under good leadership!

Work- The day at work went by pretty quickly, I really enjoy helping customers and especially the older ladies that come through the store that need help with shoes! I think I enjoy them the most because they laugh at my jokes :) In a sense we kind of entertain each other. The team laughs at me because they think I am crazy and basically they cant believe half the stuff i say anyways! I love it! Led the way in sales today, got to help some older ladies get fitted in some shoes, got some paper work done, and cracked some pretty funny jokes :)

Things haven't quite settled in yet that i am going part time, but i know it will soon.  Its going to be some crazy times soon, but i dont care, I know the Lord will provide. Can't worry about things that I can't control. Just going to trust in God no matter what, through wins and losses. Its GO time, cant sit when God says GO! 

I am guilty of buying a new watch today. It was something that I have always wanted ever since i was a little boy. I remember seeing it at Target as a little boy and wanting it so bad. Back then it was $10 now its $20....It's a Casio calculator watch! LOL!! DONT JUDGE ME! lol! I havent bought anything for myself in a long long long time, so i thought i would treat myself to this watch :)

Excel (young adults/college group) - I always look forward to Mondays and Wednesdays! Had a good conversation with Terry about ministry and evangelists. Some food for thought. Prayer before service was good, always good to pray with Bailey and Jon D! We got on a hype where we were just admiring how Jesus  took our place on the cross, how He conquered death and Sin for US!! When He didnt have to... anyways we were hyped! PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER! Only way we are going to see change!!! Worship was awesome, Sarah Allen led worship tonight.  It was awesome, you could really feel the Holy Spirit moving! Lord you get all the praise! We worship you!!! I shared a word that I received from one of my boys today!

DROPPING GEM MOMENT- It was Isaiah 55:9 where it says that God's ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Just reminded me that when I get discouraged about paying bills, or being able to provide, or struggle with Sin, or struggle with life, work or circumstances.  I shouldnt worry because God will take care, all I need to do is be obedient, follow Christ and acknowledge Him in all I do and He will take care of the rest. Put our FAITH in GOD not in money, people, possessions, etc. My wack thoughts are not His thoughts, my wack ways are not His ways! God is the only way! Get God vision!

The message today was awesome! it was about pouring into others lives and making a positive impact on others lives.  Pour into others as others have poured into you. You never know who you are impacting, do your part and pour into others, leave the miracles up to GOD! 

Key points- 1. Recognize the investments in our lives. (Acts 20:24)  2. Return the investments (2Tim 4:16-17, John 15:13, Proverbs 17:17) 3.Reinvest what has been deposited in our lives (1Corinthians 15:58)

At the end of the night we got to partner up with someone answer 2 questions : 1. who has invested in me? and 2. who can I invest in this semester?

I actually partnered up with one of my students. We had a great discussion about life, he is going through some stuff right now, but I know God is going to use this time to shape him through this fire. Refiner's Fire. I told him that I cant wait to hear this testimony. He doesnt know what kind of impact he is going to have but i cant wait to see when this is all said and done! I believe in him!  I asked him if there was anything i could pray for, and at first he was hesitant but I could tell he wanted to tell me something. He was real honest and told me everything! Man WOW! Please anyone that is reading this, keep him in prayer! Prayer for wisdom to make the right choices, for strength to fight temptation, for God's vision for his life, for direction and for endurance!! I believe in you boy!
What a way to end the night! I love Jesus!!!!

Side note- Da Bears won!!! mannnnnn!!! crazy! I saw the Devin Hester run for a touchdown! Man that boy is SEERRRIIIOUUUSS!!! 

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get INSPIRED!!!!"

Please pray that I just continue to listen to what God wants me to do! I want to be SPIRIT led!  I NEED MORE OF JESUS! 

IF you need any prayer! let me know, I got you!!!! PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER!!! If we want to see change! it starts with PRAYER!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I thought to myself today, do i ever really have slow time ?


Start of the morning, got to sleep in for a little bit, fell asleep super early last night so i felt energized! AWESOME! Got ready for church and got a call from one of my students, they needed a ride because their mom locked the keys in their car, so i instantly scooped him up and then we scooped another one of my students on the way. Got to church a little early and that was good. Had the opportunity to chat with one of my students parents about what was going on in their life.  They were thanking me for being involved in their son's life and also just being a positive influence. After the conversation i felt encouraged, Thank you JESUS!

Before church- Jason and Jonny were going around getting people with this little phone that looked like a Finding Nemo phone.  The phone was a dummy phone but what would happen is if you pressed the "ok" button it would shock you LOL!!!!! Jonny would video tape it and Jason would get the people to press it! HILARIOUS!!! hahahahah! man those two are something else! They got a few people's reaction on video! funny stuff!!

Church- Pastor Terry really did a great job today!He spoke about judging others. It was good! made me think about thinking before speaking ! Got to remove my own planks before trying to remove other's specks. Matt. 7:1-6.

Tolerance- Allowing others to believe and live in ways we don't agree with, supporting their right to do so, and refusing to declare them right or wrong.

Judge-(krino)- to cause separation, harsh condemnation


How to judge wisely-
1. Judge with clear direction
2. Judge with a clear heart
3. Judge with clear standards

"I'm not responsible for what the outsiders do...God decides on the outsiders" 1 cor. 5:12-13 (message)

Good stuff!!

Right after service was our leader's meeting for SI (youth group), couldn't stay long because I had an open house i had to do for real estate. But stayed long enough to get lunch that Miett made! WOW! what a cook! the soup, rolls, and crepes were flippin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Open house- My first open house by myself ever!!!! I thought it was going to be slow but boy was I wrong! It was great! Had a few families come in and check out the home! There wasn't a dull moment! It was a nice home that I was showing, right on the golf course! The last family that came through was a family i actually knew! Their initial reaction was like: "wow! you do real estate too? Lol! (last time they saw me was at mosser's shoes)" I told them yea I work at Mosser's, real estate, involved with my youth group, my young adults/ college group, manage/play on a soccer team and participate in life LOL! They were like wow!
Overall, the open house went real well!

Small groups- Right after the open house, had to get things ready for the small group that i was hosting! All i have to say is i love my students! we spoke about living for others and not yourself! Heard some interesting things from these guys lol! funny stuff! But i am happy that they come, its a chance to learn about life and Jesus together! Had some great conversations with my students, man i love it! That's what life is about!

Dropping off one of my students, we had a great conversation about life and school. Man i cant wait to see what the future holds, so much talent and so much love! I love my students, they are growing spiritually and physically! I pray that God continues to use them and shape them! This year is just the beginning...Growth and Development...Future leaders of the world !!!!

Game night- LOL! man met up with that crazy lady again... FIFA2010, sad but true, 2011 is coming out in a few days, we (the fellas) are already contemplating how to get it....WOW! i cant wait to play....Lord help us not to get so distracted from FIFA LOL! mannn we need prayer!

Finally got home! meeting early morning! What a day! I love life, but more importantly...I LOVE JESUS!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get INSPIRED!!"

Whoever reads this please keep me in prayer, going to need it! lots of things are happening soon, going to need God vision and God wisdom!

Friday, September 24, 2010


What a Friday! Started off with busy day at work. Crazy to think that i will going part time here real quick! I will most definitely enjoy time to think and organize my thoughts. I can't wait to see what God has in store! Got a few things done today. Had a great conversation with one of my childhood friends about life. Great to hear that he is growing up. Good convo.

Tonight was awesome. We had our Excel ( young adults/college group) meeting, then after that we had our prayer chain! Wow!!! is all i have to say! Before we went to campus we sang a few songs to get warmed up and hyped for JESUS! Then we rolled out to the quad. Some new church interns had just arrived from England, so it was nice to meet them for the first time! It was awesome tonight on the quad. We sang worship songs, prayed, met some cool people including a drunk guy that fell off his bike, worshipped with us for a little bit and I got to pray for him! I LOVE JESUS!!! Absolutely fun night!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get INSPIRED!!!!!"

cant wait to see what the Lord has in store!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Quiet Time


18When they arrived, he said to them: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia. 19I served the Lord with great humility and with tears, although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews. 20You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. 21I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.
 22"And now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. 23I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. 24However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace.

Acts 20:18-24

Some key words/phrases :
humility, severely tested, not hesistant to preach anything..., publicly, declaring to both Jews and Greeks...,not knowing..., life worth nothing...,finish the race and complete..., and God's grace.

HUMILITY- The apostle Paul served with humility, he was humble. To be humble = to destroy the independence , power, or will of, low in rank, status, importance, quality, to have a feeling of insignificance, not proud or arrogant. Wow! Its clear here that God uses the weak to glorify HIS name!

SEVERELY tested- to put simply, Paul had some "haters," some people that didn't want to see him succeed. They were trying to test and see how real Paul's Faith was! Word to the wise, there are people in your lives now that are going to do the same thing! I encourage you to stay strong! In times of doubt, ask for God vision! God's provision and wisdom!

Not HESITANT to preach ANYTHING...PUBLICLY...DECLARING to both Jews and Greeks-Wow! Talk about boldness! Not hesitant meant that he was not scared and didnt think twice about it and to do it publicly meant he was not shy about letting people know about JESUS! It should be the same way with us, we should speak out boldly and publicly ! We have nothing to hide! If Jesus has made a positive impact in your life, why hide it? We need to let EVERYONE know about the GOOD NEWS!

NOT KNOWING- Life is this way. We never know what is going to happen. But this illustrates how we dont have to always know what's going to happen in our lives, and that God is in control if you let HIM.  I know I am guilty of this, I am the kind of person that has to know exactly what the agenda is and what is planned.  But when we have a strong relationship with Christ there is a level of boldness and confidence. We begin to walk forward NOT KNOWING what will happen and that God is in control.

Life worth NOTHING...FINISH the race and COMPLETE...the task of testifying to the gospel of God's Grace- WOW!!! This just clearly shows the ultimate sacrifice of self.  Living not for self but living to serve others, to finish the task to completion and that is to let the world know about God's Grace! We are all here for a purpose! I urge you brothers and sisters to use your talents and abilities to help those that are in need, those that are weak.

"For he knows how weak we are; He remembers we are only dust.
Our days on earth are like grass; like the wildflowers, we bloom and die.
The wind blows, and we are gone--as though we had never been here."
-Psalm 103: 14-16

What have you done lately to help? I encourage you, we are all God's instruments of hope and love to be used in a world that is hopeless. Use your talents, gifts and abilities to help someone that needs and asks for it!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe. Get INSPIRED!!!"

I love time spent with my students!

I just want to publicly say that i love my students. They are so awesome! I really enjoy my Wednesdays when I get to see them all at Sudden Impact (youth group). They are wild, wacky, crazy, loving, caring, cool, chill, awesome and the list just goes on and on and on! I love the diversity and the mixture of personalities! Man i love the youth!

Pastor Jason spoke tonight from Philippians. What an awesome message about humility! "your life is not YOUR life" and "humility causes UPWARD mobility." He had some great points and great illustrations! That boy can preach! This life we live is not for us to satisfy ourselves, its about living selfLESS and serving others!

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to yourselves, but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4.

For the first time ever, we took communion with the students! What an awesome night! I can't wait until small groups this Sunday and also student leadership coming up the following Saturday! Empowering our future leaders of the world!

SIDE NOTE- as i was about to leave the church tonight, my phone rang and the number i saw on there was a number i didnt recognize, i didnt pick up because I was in a conversation but I called it right back.  It was my boy from high school that I havent talked to in at least 10 years.  I said whats up bro! did you call? he said, no , who is this? I told him this was DP and I just got a call from you.  LOL he said oh wassup D, I dont think i called you but im busy at work talk to you later. So I said ok and we hung up.

Later on tonight, he calls me again and i miss the call. I called him back and now we chat! Keep in mind we haven't talked in years! He tells me what he's been up to and I tell him what I've been up to, we catch up a little and what a great story he had to tell me! Man! But the cool thing is at the end of the conversation, I asked if I could pray for him. He said sure, i know i need it! WOW! I just felt like I had to pray for him, so I prayed in Jesus name! Thank you JESUS! You never know who you are going to talk to right? PRAISE HIM!

"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get INSPIRED!!!!"

Those that are reading, i hope you get INSPIRED and encouraged! if you have any prayer requests let me know, i got you! PRAYER PRAYER PRAYER!!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday September 20, 2010

Had a great feeling for today! Devo time!, work, meeting with the owners, some real estate, and then Excel (young adults/College group)

Devo time- Being a Christian is not about doing good but being more like Christ, loving all. Matt 5:43-48
this is a critical way to live, because naturally we want to hate or have bitterness towards our enemies when the Word actually tells us to "LOVE your enemies and PRAY for those that persecute you." v.44 

Our strengths are to be used for service, to help those around us. We are taught by examples of what Christ did. Rom. 15:1-15. 
this is how we should live, to serve others, God has given us STRENGTHS not for our own but to serve and help others in their weakness! I think the key thing here is "everything was written in the past was written to teach us , so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." v.4

Trust God, believe in Him, have "walking on water " like faith. We forget that peter ACTUALLY walked on water, matt 14:25-31
this is an awesome illustration about how we should keep our focus on Jesus and keep strong FAITH in HIM not on anybody or anything else in our lives, because when we are focused on HIM and only HIM there is a boldness, a confidence that miracles come from! 

Work- it went real well today! had a busy day today. its always busy on mondays for me, running reports, going to the bank, having schedules ready, preparing paper work for the meeting with the owners and today we had a huge shipment come in! So it was fun! The meeting with the owners went real well! it is always a pleasure to talk to those guys. I have learned a lot from them, its mos definitely interesting to work directly with the owners. You get to learn about how things work and how the operations parts really works. Looking over numbers and i feel like i have actually applied what i have learned in college LOL!!! i never thought i would say that but its pretty need to actually apply something i have learned!

Excel (young adults/College group)-  It was absolutely awesome tonight! i had the opportunity to speak and share my life with the group! it was awesome! I really felt God's presence in the building! God is awesome! we finished out with worship and really going for it! what a great group! what a great environment ! what an awesome experience! Thank you Jesus!

After Excel- it was Bailey's birthday so some of the guys decided to go to Chipotle to eat.  I fell in love with the burrito bowl! it was awesome! great conversations and great company! Happy Birthday Bailey!!!!

Got to get ready for the next day! Speaking again on Wednesday! Pray for Pastor Jason and I, pray that God will use us to impact the students that we're speaking to in a positive way, pray for change and direction in these students lives.

If you need prayer let me know! i got you!!!
"Miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get INSPIRED!!"

disclaimer- i am typing how i would speak it lol so please dont be mad at me for not capitalizing certain things or words or having this looking perfect. this is a blog from an imperfect person that loves JESUS! :) forgive me!

What a weekend!

Busy busy busy!

Friday- worked all day on friday from 830am-6pm. Got the opportunity to make it the first day of small groups! Small groups was AMAZING!!!!! you already read about it from my previous post but man it was awesome!!!!

Saturday- We had our first student leadership meeting! what a great way to start your morning! Always encouraging to hang out with future leaders of the world! We had breakfast together and went over some of the plans for the program. Got to talk to the students about what to expect in the program and the level of commitment required.  Proud of my students, i cant wait until the next session. We are going to dive straight into the curriculum. The bottom line is empowering our future leaders of the world: evolving, equipping, and executing! After the leadership meeting i went straight to work!

Sunday- I had a pretty jammed packed Sunday, did transitions at church so i was at church from 830am-130pm.  What a great message again from Pastor Grogan! It was a continuance our the series of "8 Myths Smart Christians Believe" this weeks myth was "forgiving means forgetting." Wow! Pastor snapped !!!
if you want to listen to the message i have attached the link:
click this link and download the message-

Soccer game- We had our 3rd game at 4pm. I got to the field around 230pm to warm up because last game i played i got some major cramps in the calves lol and this time i made sure i was prepared to stay in the game longer and not cramp up. So i got there early to stretch and even before that i put icy hot on my legs and calves !!! LOL!!! hey dont judge me! it worked too! lol This game we played against a team that is basically our rival team, our brother team because we scrimmage each other all the time! so it should have been close match! to start the game we (our team) was scrambling because people showed up late to the game and we only had 9 people at first, so that was already rough. We finally started the game and it went real well! we scored the first goal in 5 minutes! so it looked promising...boy were we wrong, i dont know what happened to our team from there, it was like we were there physically but not mentally.  to make a long story short we ended up losing 6 to 1 ? or 7 to 1 ? i dont even know it was that bad! but the cool thing was we had a whole cheering section for us!! got to love our fans!!! they supported us til the end! we appreciate that !!!! THANK YOU! also we all knew we had a bad game and we knew that we would meet that team again! even the other team knew we didnt show up, they were shocked at the score too. hmmm long long long week!

not exactly the way i wanted my weekend to end lol! but hey its life! after the game, came home to relax and get my mind right to finish up my message for Excel (young adults/college ministry).

pray for me! LOL i need it!

"miracles are happening, miracles are going to happen, just pray and believe! Get inspired!!!!"

let me know if you need any prayer! i got you! its our duty to pray for one another, and believe Jesus will heal, provide, protect and save!